
Well, it depends on how you define "professional looking". You can download and install WordPress (free) and install a free or low-cost (~$15) basic theme to get yourself started, and can probably manage to do this on your own. Then again, you could hire someone (like me) to build you a website on the same platform

A photographer, for example, makes his living off of the images that he takes. I'd say it's fair for such a person to make you work for it if you're going to steal them from him without paying for them.

Greenpeace does what technology journalists have tried and failed to do for 10 years... made someone in Apple's PR department release a statement about something. Turns out, all you have to do is not fawn over them. When you start besmirching them, then they get all uppity and start talking. Executed like an


It's not an airline-by-airline policy, though. It's the FAA. The regs would have to change, and then the airlines are likely all to adapt to whatever the new rules are at once.

Yes, I do. Zero.

Yes, I was aware of that. See what I said there at the end: "this story's actually true"?

I'm not totally against this. It's a hell of a lot better than that irritating beeping coming from the Volt, and I have no particular need or expectation that cities become quieter "more peaceful" places. The point of electric cars is to cut smog and reduce our dependence on oil... who cares if they make some white

LOL, yes... I'm sure BMW would just be thrilled to hand over their proprietary technology to their biggest domestic competitor.

So, let's preface the entire thing by saying "Compatibility of their personality or values cannot be evaluated meaningfully because it omits information about which personality traits or values are considered and assessed, which are given greater or lesser weight, and how compatibility is established" and then proceed

Autofocus is the devil.

Sorry... you think adding spikes to the car is going to make people be more careful? If the idea of getting flattened by upwards of 2,000 pounds of rolling steel is insufficient, what makes you think adding spikes is going to serve any purpose other than to similarly drive up the cost of producing the vehicle? If it's

Teehee: "LockHeed".

@Vick's Concussed Brain Well, no, that's not true. The force of gravity from the sun will act to slow them down as they travel, just as you'd expect a ball you threw up in the air to slow down as it travels upward. Being able to exceed the force of gravity does not mean you've gotten rid of its influence. Because

If any of you think that Apple would be fool enough to pull a "now that Steve's gone" consider this: however terrified they all were of him when he was in the office every day (hell, even when he was pretty ill)... how terrified do you think they all must be now that he's got zombie powers?

I wonder how many of these corporate training videos used the tagline "You Make the Difference" during that era. I wonder how many still do...

If you ever find yourself arguing that "at some point enough is enough" you do not also get to claim the mantle of being "as capitalistic as it comes". Sorry. In any case, saving a nickel per iPad (and it's more than that, but let's even just say for the sake of argument) when you're selling in the volumes Apple is

Actually... the same factories that make iPhones also make Android phones and Dell laptops and all sorts of other things. The suicide nets are up at Foxconn, not just at some Apple-specific place.

If you do not feel as if Apple is treating you the way you'd like to be treated, you have the option of purchasing a computer from another manufacturer. Given that they're one of the biggest companies in the world, and this is how they've always done business, I don't think they're going to miss you. I know I won't.

Yes. Yes it was pretty awesome.