
It's like that old story about NASA spending millions to engineer and build pens for the Mercury and Gemini astronauts that would work in zero G, and the Soviets just deciding to use pencils. Except, y'know... this story's actually true.

@Nick Smith: They have that system. It's called First Class.

They've been promising this technology in production cars for at least 20 years, now. I remember being impressed when I saw it on Beyond 2000 back in the mid-90s. Now? *yawn* Call me when I can buy one.

SOPA won't pass. It's their way of priming us all so that whatever they *really* want passed seems reasonable by comparison. Vigilance will be crucial. I can only hope that the same outrage we see directed at SOPA will appear again when the watered down version, with as many loopholes stacking the deck in favor of the

Yeah, it's slowly switching from: "This is what we think you're looking for." to "This is what we want you to see." It's what happens as start-up culture, which makes decisions focused on awesome product, dies and is replaced by corporate culture which focuses on doing whatever it takes to drive short-term revenue,

Oh, they were so close... what they meant to say is: "In the absence of such steps, our stock price will be harmed and the money we thought we could extort will be stifled."

Guys who've always just been able to roll a condom on should refrain from arguing about whether or not condoms can be too tight. If you have to stretch the ring open with your fingertips to get it to go over your head, the condom is too tight. It may not be too tight to break, but it's going to be uncomfortable and

Maybe galions will be relevant to naval warfare again. Should we spend $7.2 Billion dollars building those, too? Does it occur to you that getting our financial house in order IS a defense strategy? If you think China doesn't know a few trillion ways to nail us to the wall without firing a single shot...

Biddle, you've just been dying to use "RIM's job" in an article, haven't you?

Jony Ive was channeling Tallon's glass-to-the-edge TV when they designed the Macbook Pro line, eh?