why does the header say pc game instead of killing floor 2? is it really such a niche game?
why does the header say pc game instead of killing floor 2? is it really such a niche game?
30% is really high though. didnt hitman devs said most people didnt finish their game? cant remember the stats but the % of people that didnt finish their games was really high
eh its odd to use them considering almost everyone manages to beat them lol
“Sure, there are those who identify as ‘hardcore gamers’ and feel Dark Souls validates their misguided elitist perspective”
i dont know why people care so much about the race. i mean its always like this in movies where even if its set in russia, they somehow speak english with a russian accent. its just how it is. the fact that some like armin look wayy too different is kind of a bummer though
“I ran to get on the plane, and just as I got near, it lurched in my direction and ran over me, ending the heist.”
way too bright for my tastes
hey im not the one who started comparing :p
im pretty sure the list of games on pc and not on ps4 is orders of magnitude higher
shitty driving with kbm? its GTA ffs. i even got all gold medals in the driving school thing with kbm.. but my point is driving in gta is very basic
what a silly reply. hes using arguments to counter the OP obvious lack of information. hes not telling him “your decisions suck! i dont respect you!”
most AAA games are shit anyways and even if that were true (that is, no more AAA games will release if consoles ceased to exist) that still wouldnt change the fact that consoles are just way more limited devices
wth is a bow doing there lol
theres an unofficial fix already by the way
the difference being one is actually challenging and the other is not. nobody will ever tell you the race is a “grind” because you only need to succeed once
why wouldnt anybody love being in the race of being in a top guild? it takes the challenge to the highest level, requires tons of coordination, group effort, etc. not sure in what world you can compare that to grinding the same place over and over for gear. gear is the means to an end, not an end by itself which seems…
i found it to be a really moronic tweet and worthy to be put on a fridge!
IMO that was hilarious. quite a stupid thing to say from that guy on tweeter though. “progression”? what did he want? cookies? higher virtual numbers? he should go back to RPGs or whatever he plays
well because it seems more like an addiction / OCD kind of thing. obviously its not necessarily wrong or anything but i doubt that was the reason that got people to play the game in the first place. items should be just an added side thing, not the MAIN motivator to get out there and beat bosses, explore the world and…
too lazy to google but im sure the number of any “single possible play” on chess is absurd to the point not even those savants can remember all of em lol