There has been an awakening.
There has been an awakening.
I actually don’t mind this. People think it’s cringe or whatever, but damn where does he find pants that hold his balls? Kudos MC. Keep doin your own thing.
Protoss veteran MC proved once again he’s not just a good player, but one of the most entertaining figures of the Sta…
John Hathway’s father was a big fan of the Diablo-style action RPG Grim Dawn. He liked it so much that during an…
Hah.. a prestige mode, for PvP. Classic. More reasons I’m glad I haven’t touched it. Enjoy your endless grind.
Starcraft still the best
I haven’t played since cataclysm for maybe like 3 days, but I think you just are having nostalgia. I know you said that already but really the ‘MMO’ is sort of a thing that any gamer has to go through. I have strong memories of EQ, DAOC, and WOW, and they were really relaxing, fun times, had in all of them. My EQ…
I can’t speak for you but when I first played it, and you had to walk to dungeons and level through zones, the game always felt massive.
actually the ps3 was incapable of emulating ps2. the original ps2’s had hardware in them, basically a functional ps2 within them, thats why they lost compatibility with ps2 in the newer models, to cut down on price, they removed those components. ps4 on the other hand is capable.
Look, sometimes you spend $709 on a gaming monitor and wind up really happy with your purchase. I’m not saying it…
Too bad the people partly responsible for the The Bomb and going to the moon are from Germany. Also early, experimental TVs, movie theatres and studios.
Yeah, GTAV has solid ultrawide support. The center screen’s FOV is unchanged, all the HUD elements show up on the middle monitor, and the side screens are visual extensions. It’s crazy immersive.
Lauren “Pansy” Scott is a professional eSports commentator with the ESL. Once upon a time, she was a pro gamer…
That sounds a lot of people, not just esports.
Come on man! Isn’t it obvious that fahrenheit is in fact the most intuitive temperature scale ever?
I think you misread the article. He said that he was actually going through mental issues and was using video games to cope. He even mentioned that playing in the professional scene opened up doors and experiences he never thought he could have.
Starcraft is an insane game. None of the top players are older than their mid-20’s because at that point, your reflexes degrade and you can no longer maintain the actions-per-minute necessary to keep up.
It sucks yeah but its also a part of the universal culture they live in, so everyone is use to it and accepts it.