well but what youre saying is applicable to the whole game then? “i have x items so that place / raid / event is useless to me!”
well but what youre saying is applicable to the whole game then? “i have x items so that place / raid / event is useless to me!”
well no, doing it over and over seems idiotic xd
i think its silly it took WoW this long. i mean from a development perspective its kind of a really neat solution. why waste thousands of man hours making more dungeons when you can just give the players the old ones? xd
well they tried to do that in Cata and everyone hated it for it lol
WoW playerbase in a nutshell
so if items suddenly dissapeared from the game, you would have no reason to play it? or if they gave you the best items ever, youd stop playing as well since youd have no “reason” to play?
only because it offers new gear. its a bit depressing most content on this game would never get touched on if it wasnt because if offered a way for the player to get higher virtual numbers. it even happened with raids when blizzard didnt want the difference between tiers to be so big..
i think they had some nerfs but the most important thing wasnt the nerfs, it was gear scaling. those instances were meant to be hard with BC early gear, not with the gear that was easily purchasable 2 years and a few tiers later
Also because I can never remember the inputs.
i remember being put off by black lagoon because the main character (just like most hollywood action movies) without any plausible excuse, proceeds to kill dozens by herself as if the enemy guys were little kids with toy guns. couldnt even watch the first ep fully :/
ah then thats why i missed it. i only got to play it a some months after LoD had been released
i dont think anyone said its a bad thing... just that its ridiculous and lame
which would be even better if the system had better specs :p
well this is twitch, what has steam got to do with it? xd
well i guess it is last gen. just got upgraded a bit is all
interesting. nope never heard of it and i played d2 a lot for like 4 years. maybe it was before the time i played? :p
“he was playing it all day for six to eight weeks”
PCs do weird things sometimes. i remember long time ago (like 10 years ago) i couldnt play diablo 2 online. i mean i “could” but i had a latency of 1000-1500 which made it unplayable. every other game online ran fine and i didnt have an antivirus or firewall running so i had no idea what to do
a cop shooting a civ? sounds more like the US and A if you ask me
o0 pretty!