
even if all rockstar employees are racist, going ahead and program the cops to be that way seems extremely unlikely. i mean can you imagine management telling the group of programmers to make the cops react more strongly towards blacks?

sure, i still think its unfair to compare that to aiming with a controller though but alright

i guess thats a thing controllers can do, but you gotta admit the "usefulness" of this is extremely limited. like i cant think of a single game where i would need this (and im a fan of spectacle fighter games). you normally move towards where youre aiming with the camera, not to the sides (since you cant see towards

not to move the character itself but the camera which then lets you move with as much as precision as you could want... just like every third person game does

i loved the first the most. the writing and dialogues are pretty awesome IMO. i stopped playing the series at AC3 but i dont remember any kind of philosophical argument in any of their games besides the first one which was a huge letdown

yea i guess so, but everybody will be going through the same thing so i guess it would be fair if anything lol (i never played a FPS using a controller btw)

if you need 360 directions you can use the mouse? cant get more precise than that

well thats a nice way to have an argument i guess? thanks for your non arguments they will certainly make me feel different about controllers now!

well personally it feels a bit insulting. i mean why not just have it disabled in the first place? everyone will have it disabled as well so it will be fair

im not being a dick, im just stating what i believe is the truth. 10 minutes with KBM and you quit? either you never played third person games with KBM before (hence youre bad with them) or youre just exaggerating

true analogue? i fail to see how that might let you do something in a game you cant do with mouse and keyboard

actually controllers are objectively worse because theres a lot of stuff that you cant do with them and thats a fact. like you dont have as many key mappings, aiming is worse even if youre literally a god due to the speed and sensibility of the sticks, etc

i think controllers are objectively worse because theres a lot of stuff that you cant do with them and thats a fact (you dont have as many key mappings, aiming is worse even if youre literally a god due to the speed and sensibility of the sticks) :p

well youre just bad at those games. i play tons of third person action games (dmc, mgr, killer is dead, etc) and ive done all of em on their hardest at their highest rating (SS, AAA, etc) no problem. had no trouble at all at dark souls 1 either even though they key mapping was really bad

why do they all hide their faces lol

filter? i guess it depends on the filter (they vary depending on what theyre being made for)

ive said this countless times but an issue i see nobody ever mention is the fact that once you publish one game on steam, youre free to put as many as you want. so you get some shady companies that manage to get one game greenlit and then they proceed to flood steam with crap (sometimes they dont even make the "games"

kentucky route zero :)

honestly i realized this when i was very little. most movies / stories about "romance" were hardly ever about a stable couple. and if they were about a stable couple, it was about a period on which they werent so "stable"

seriously? theres nothing at all (except the real thing) that will be comparable to say, horror games in these things. i mean how often have you heard of people having vertigo form a movie or game? not often, yet this thing makes it a very real thing