what bugs me is that cliffhanger. i mean if at least it was kinda wrapped up in some way then fine but it was kind of a really bad way to finish it
what bugs me is that cliffhanger. i mean if at least it was kinda wrapped up in some way then fine but it was kind of a really bad way to finish it
i was hoping for the article page to be empty :/
3d is just some stuff coming out of the screen. ive never seen a movies in 3d as i never cared for it but isnt it kind of the same weve had for like decades? with the red and blue glasses and all
it wasnt so bad but the bosses were godawful IMO (and no its not the best in the series by a long shot, youre probably just a casual player)
eh maybe it wont be such a hot thing at first but im sure itll get there. how often have you heard of people getting vertigo from playing a game or watching a movie? the immersion this can bring is potentially limitless :p
id love for you to quote on me that because at this point ive no idea what youre even trying to say
uh thats what i was saying. that 3D was what it was and that was it. VR is at its infancy so even if stuff today is still a big "meh" the potential is astounding and undeniable
is that even an argument? 2/10, try harder :)
yea i dont get it either. its like asking a painter to make his own ink or a movie director to come up with special effects himself. tools are tools, no need to reinvent the wheel, especially if youre lacking in resources or just cant see the advantage
how so? dont get me wrong i love the game but i just cant picture the immersion there. maybe it does work though, never used VR yet xd
3d is 3d. its like very limited to which i mean the most you can get out of it is some stuff looking better but thats it. its not going to go past that because its not even attempting to do so. personally i never cared for it but sure i guess it got quite the hype
forget the walking pad, the valve thing seems a lot more attractive :p
yea thats kinda my point. even if theyre not quite there yet (just like theyre not quite there yet regarding VR) technological progress is important in these kind of things before theyre more widely adopted. give these things more time and then theyll be the norm
really? well i never used one so no idea but i was kind of expecting itd be terrible if the game doesnt look good enough.
well motion control did had some of a success among the casual audience and i think thats what they were aiming at (the wii didnt sell millions because of its "core" games after all)
eh i never heard much about em to be honest. 3d might make stuff look a little better but thats it and you cant expect much else from it
again, not enough technology to make it viable. just like electric cars back then and today
they were very popular with the casual audience though (just take a look at wii fit at that stuff)
wow sounds pretty amazing. the sensors that detect you moving and stuff certainly seem to make a huge difference as opposed to just wear the thing and play with a controller lol
i doubt its "just" a fad. the technology back then wasnt good enough. i mean would you want to play doom 2 on VR? even today they barely look good enough to feel somewhat real.