"no matter how realistic it feels and looks, one will always be able to tell it's CG" what makes you said that? at one point obviously there will be no difference
"no matter how realistic it feels and looks, one will always be able to tell it's CG" what makes you said that? at one point obviously there will be no difference
as i said ive hardly ever bothered with greenlight but under rated games or games that flop despite good critics are a reality (and not just in games obviously)
so what happens when you pierce it with your sword or blast a shotgun shell to its face? lol
sadly thats inherent to the RPG genre
yes thats kinda what i said :p
arent bosses just 3 levels above you? (irrelevant of the level you are)
lol i know. i just find it a bit silly in simple games like this when so many other better (gameplay wise at least) games exist out there
who is it that pay them so much? sponsors like razer or something?
LOL man you are so mad it made me re read my previous posts to see if i insulted you somewhere.
uh no. the stealth genre is pretty open for interpretation. ie theres no "right" way to beat a mission so naturally youre going to try to find a method for yourself that brings you the most enjoyment. a bit like sandbox games in which you kinda need to set some objectives for yourself
yes! lets not buy hatred. we want games where we can kill thousands but we need some kind of good excuse as to not feel guilty afterwards and hatred does not provide it :/
i think it was very clear as to "why?".
the group vs group multiplayer thingy its actually quite popular sadly. so i guess a lot of people are glad its not fallout 4 :p
by artificial i mean that youre adding rules that dont exist in the game. i thought that was clear
i find it a lot more valid especially considering the games im using these methods with :)
i know its a bit similar but im not imposing any "limits" in what i mean are the skills of the character or his items or whatnot. stealth games are also very much dependent on how you want to play them as well so this just felt like another ranking that would come after silent assassin for instance
yep there are quite a few AAA games out there that instead of becoming progressively harder go the other way around and become easier and easier
i find making it a game artificially harder for yourself to be a bit silly (i also didnt play this one as ive heard it was too easy and some gameplay videos made it look that way indeed (they reminded me too much of assassins creed "combat"))
i know. personally im not in a hurry to get any game from the old consoles cept bayonetta and vanquish lol
also relevant: http://boallen.com/fps-compare.ht…