
tlou is a fine game but the gameplay is meish. might as well look someone playing it lol

one of the guys making the emulators said a working emulator for ps4/x1 will probably arrive sooner than a ps3/xbox360 due to the architecture of the newer consoles being so close to PCs

so i guess this series uses the known trope that guns are worthless. just curious though, did they make any excuse for it or its never explained?

in an ideal world maybe :p

i think a huge issue that i havent seen in the comments is that once a publisher gets even one game on steam, then theyre free to flood steam with whatever crap they get their hands on. most of the bad stuff thats been releasing on steam lately its mostly just publishers picking up 20 year old games or just making

yes i know thats how the "market" works. but if you make a good game you shouldnt need to be whoring yourself out on facebook or what not. not sure why youre defending this as if it was a good thing?

capitalism sure but democracy? its not democracy if nobody gets to hear you which is what i tried to say with the fact that its not because people vote "no", its because they dont vote at all

yes agreed. as i said i dislike the system too.

they probably will but how long will they take? its not a very good system if the indie devs have to risk everything to finally make their game and then they have to wait maybe a year to finally start selling it

"That's called democracy and capitalism"

i liked it but didnt love it either even though i normally really enjoy these kind of anime (really love usagi drop for instance)

i think the biggest issue for him is the "spending about 3 hours a night playing on his phone"

"so wrong". is that an argument now? ill guess i go with it too

GTA has some nice writing ill give you that. but story? i recently played GTA4 (got bored after the first hour of its gameplay but i still somehow managed to 100% it) and the "story" did nothing for me. some eastern european guy that basically just kills everyone that gets in his way to get rich

yes but thats a fault more to do with the games themselves rather than the genre i think. its hard to take seriously any story theyll throw in there when youre killing 50 guys by yourself lol

yes i agree, but i still think the story will suffer a bit because the creators cant just encapsulate the whole thing like they would on a linear game.

really? some guy that gets lost in some island with his friends and then he gets tatoos and then proceeds to somehow wipe the entire island of the bad guys. how is that a fine story?

QUOTE | "I think linear story games are really going to suffer in the modern marketplace." - Far Cry 4 creative director Alex Hutchinson, talking about why he thinks open-world and emergent games will be the most popular games going forward.

perma permadeath in super hexagon!

really? worked fine for me (as long as you didnt mind Uplay i guess)