
right.. so lets spend months and months of reworking the code and fine tuning and balancing because someone is scared of big numbers? IDC if my DPS is 10M or 25. its the same thing really, its not like i need to do lots of quick math with it or anything is it?

an easy fix would be to add both modes i guess

lol just read the proving ground thing which is pretty awesome. i barely played in mop (about 5 months in total i think) but i still managed to get #3 warlock in my server :D

are big numbers offensive or something? dont get it

why play a game like this in the first place? makes no sense

Unfortunately it does impact the value of the Achievement point system. It's inherently easier to gather points in smaller games simply because there are fewer challenges to tie Achievements to.

looks interesting. why gas instead of a good old gun though? seems like taking unnecessary risks

the hardest part of the game was beaten by 500k? cant be that hard then lol

after you get used to really high FPS, anything below feels choppy and clunky. seriously 30fps makes it seem like somethings not right lol. i had this happen recently with gta4. i was trying the graphic enhancer mods and turned everything on and it felt really laggy but once i clicked to show the fps it was at 25-35

id might have gotten it if it didnt have such a big focus on hand to hand combat

sigh i guess youll never get it. ive been saying this since the start thats why i compared it to whats considered normally to be "important" stuff like NASA and whatnot but theyre all pointless anyways :)

TLDR: nothing has intrinsic value, nothing at all. so you cant bash anything for being "pointless". thats basically what ive been trying to say.

i cant believe youre still using the "sitting on your ass" thing. i was sure all the analogies with NASA scientists and stuff i did had gotten to you but apparently you didnt get it. theres no differences between a job and a game. in fact a lot of "jobs" started out as games (hint hint : sports) and again. youre

12 hours a week? its 12 hours a day lmao. not sure if i should keep at this point

i know it just doesnt seem satisfactory to me. and that reminded me of another thing of the assassins creed series: the combat starts the hardest (which is still very easy) and gets easier as the game progresses thanks to gear and stuff like that which to me, is another design decision that doesnt make sense. i mean

its not going to get you anywhere? some of these kids are making millions out of it how is that not getting them anywhere? and it doesnt matter if its a sport i think ive said that in every reply because you keep making references to it for some reason

well i never played them but here the guy is doing execution after execution so the "combat" looks very nonsensical as all the other guards just wait around patiently until you finish the execution. looks pretty easy and simple just like assassins creed combat :p

are we comparing

dude i dont care about esports as i said, so if they never go mainstream, well, too bad. and no, esports havent been around for 42 years LOL are you serious? i mean sure maybe some people competed back then but "serious" tournaments have 15 years at best. and these last 2-3 years the growth was huge

the combat looks like assassins creed. and that is not a good thing