i dont wanna help humans overpopulate anymore so no thanks
i dont wanna help humans overpopulate anymore so no thanks
nice! more arguments! oh wait. not even one :/
oh man you keep talking about "going anywhere in life" LOL are you serious? going where? where do you wanna go? i mean these kids normally retire by the age of 25, by which point they made tons of money and many of them even do careers while doing this. still, i dont get what "getting anywhere in life" has to do with…
you still refuse to use any arguments beside saying "oh these professions are great but these other stuff? nope thats bad!" which kinda reminds me of old times when some professions were frowned up but today those same professions are considered very useful ones / high class
right its probably REALLY hard thats why theres an oversaturation of doctors in my country and literal millions of lawyers in yours (which im assuming its the US)
you know theres other stuff beside shonen manga out there
(of which i find shonen the worst)
ouch someone feels jealous me thinks
what would you want to attract, average people that will "invest" in your game 20-30$ or investors that might invest thousands?
RNG you mean with loot? yes i like that even less. RPG doesnt necessarily give depth and substance. if you wanted to spend skill points they might as well give them all to you as soon as you start or something. having to grind content so that you can finally spend them is not my idea of depth. some games i didint…
i think the RPG trend that sadly has emerged lately is to blame for this. most people love it so i guess its fine? i mean when i complain about every single game having RPG elements when previous entries didnt (far cry is a great example of this) im normally quite alone at that so i guess most people like it. but…
are you seriously bioshock infinite as an example of this? how does shooting and killing countless guards (and lets not even mention the fact that one single guy somehow manages to destroy a whole city by himself) help the story at all? many people even mentioned how bioshock infinite might have benefited from being a…
im just saying the target audience for kickstarter would change if it suddenly turned into a kind of stock market thing and the games would probably end up changing as well. the point of kickstarter (or one of them at least) is to be able to make something that doesnt necessarily have to sell well because its made for…
that would be extremely complicated and absurd for most games (which are indies that mostly just want more cash to polish the game but most of the money comes from them anyways). also its kinda go against the idea. people back them because they want the games and because they want to see them released. not because…
can anyone actually do a dodge-roll with heavy armor and a shield? thatd be interesting to see
right so what are you going to do if your towns racist? leave it? leave the place where everyone in your life lifes where you lived all your life?
hard to play on anything else once youre used to PC. at least thats what happened to me lol
they got PCs so the rest of the world isnt "lighyears" ahead lol. just missing some gimmicks
thats just cuz they didnt bother to bring it to pc (not that i care), not a limitation of the platform.
gotta love consoles