not if they have a 400cc limit on the size bike they are riding. Give a 16 year old a liter bike means they are gonna die. Give them a Yamaha Majesty 400cc scooter not so much death there.
not if they have a 400cc limit on the size bike they are riding. Give a 16 year old a liter bike means they are gonna die. Give them a Yamaha Majesty 400cc scooter not so much death there.
yes. I was also disappointed when I found out just how shitty the mileage was on most bikes. In response to that, I offer up the Honda NX700X (and its brethren) as bikes that can do legitimate interstate speeds with something left to give AND return over 60mpg.
I propose that henceforth we only refer to this douchenozzle by his given name, Piyush. Fuck bobby. If you’ve past puberty and still being called Bobby, you’re got other issues.
channelling my inner Joe Pesci...utes for da utes.
I never thought to start at the taint. No way am I going to push the sack out of the way of the measuring tape either!
I know them and how to calculate them because I’m the only one willing my household to shell out the big bucks for nice bras. Of course my wife taught me and, at the time had no idea my intention was to start buying her expensive European lingerie. A fact, in retrospect, she should have known.
it’s worth it just for the black CA plates.
I went ceramic metallic, but other than that...
was not. Now had you said Hash brownies...
what an accurate description of the process I used to write my dissertation: “I was spending more time crying on the phone than writing and I had no idea how to get back to work. Every paragraph was a negotiation—my instinct leading one way, and then a blast against it—don’t do that, you’ll confuse people. No one…
I love adventure as much as the next lunatic, but I wouldn’t drive that road unless my vehicle only has 2 wheels. Keep it open and let potential drivers demonstrate they have the means to pay for their own rescue of they need rescuing.
I looked for it, but can’t sen to find it.
I need to put my glasses on. Somehow I read that as “I went to Daytona beach with a cat in my guitar and got a tattoo.”
divide by 10 and then we’ll talk.
I’ve owned 31 cars in my time. The one that needs to go to LeMons is my first: a 1977 VW rabbit. Like your Altima, I pushed the “Porsche fetus” more miles than I drove it.
hope it’s not too little too late.
This happened to my mom in her mid-60's. She was placed on an experimental drug that was known to interact unfavorably with alcohol (like as in kill her unfavorable). So she stopped cold turkey. The next day she was found lying in the floor trembling uncontrollably. She was checked into an inpatient alcohol treatment…
It's listed for sale in upstate South Carolina. That's deliverance country. I bet they are real knowing the types that live up there.
If this was being offered, oh I dunno, IN LATE OCTOBER, maybe he'd have a shot at getting 5,500. In January with Halloween so far away, good luck with that.
The best Alfa is somebody else's Alfa. I'll keep my sanity and what's left of my hair thank you. This is a NP for someone, just not me.