
Its the human condition :( we really need a virus to take away the hate, but we all knows what happened on firefly.

me too, Loved curbed.

With the cost of tvs, do I really want to buy another one ever few years.

Kanye has a daughter ? and here was me thinking he was a gay fish.

I just want an AI to transcend me.

And his name shall be :

Starts huming dum dum, dum, dum dum.

Make these nano tubes talk to each other and then emit and receive some type of radio wave, that would be super kool. Not that this article isnt.

I remember the days of dial up when they would send 100s of cds every month, felt like I was getting them every day in the post. I know some folk used to use them in trees as bird scarers devices.

Don`t know about that, if my god says cheese is the sporn of the devil then your pretty much screwed. People have so many messed up ideas and beleifs that they want to force it on others. Its all tribal warfare, people dont like others who are different. If folks are killing each other over which scoccer/football team

No doubt in another 1000 years, it will all be over planets, if we ever get star travel or we don't blow our self s up first.

Its not, your only renting it till you die, then some other dude takes possession. Be it-via natural death or murder. Id still rather dwell where I live until I die naturaly or move on to greener pastures.

was that the real IRA ? (sad joke)

Just wanted to add, while the kool paper clips above may be expensive, it only cost me about 2 pounds, for a box full of pin things and paper clips.

In next weeks news, some ethnic minority contacts space flu, the killer epidemic, quick lets quarantine all those pesky unwanted folk.

Already part of my master plan, good idea, but had it for ages, well kind of, never thought of em with the spiky bits already attached.

Technically you could probably buy make and modify any electronic device to sync with your own smart phone, to give it a host of new features, providing you know how to do the above and code for it. Id imagine buying a geiger counter making wearable and syncing it easily doable if not already commercially available.