oh and terminator T800 model 101, gussing T800 is the basic model and the 101 is flesh type or something, could be the other way round.
oh and terminator T800 model 101, gussing T800 is the basic model and the 101 is flesh type or something, could be the other way round.
Does that include gay folks and black people? I`m sure it would break some equality law.
So does everything else from tobacco, to chocolate and fizzy drinks, legality has nothing to do with it. In fact from a legal perspective, the laws have no scientific basis towards the harms that the drugs do, if science was the basis for laws, lots of legal things would be illegal and pot would be legal.
Same could be said about video games, what kind of sad bastard sits in front of a video screen punching buttons all day like some zombie monkey button masher, get a life. I love playing video games while high, be it smoking pot or lsd and I do it for fun, in the same way some folks like to drink beer..
"Few people understand the psychology of dealing with a highway traffic cop. Your normal speeder will panic and immediately pull over to the side. This is wrong. It arouses contempt in the cop-heart. Make the bastard chase you. He will follow."
I liked trolling on Home, dress up as a girl and people follow you around, some of the shit they said was wrong. I did dress up as britney,, shaved headed crazy looking girl, people didnt like that one.
Wow, mean relatives, when you give someone something its for keeps for ever.
People in the UK use live streaming at protests, this pisses the police off and they start to make up charges to try and get these folks locked up and out of the way for the day.
To give you some idea of how long before we're all wandering around with augmented VR headsets like a terminator with Skype
Bleeding to deaths not so bad, its actually peaceful really, now if fire was involved.
If we where to roll one up every time the king says so, it will be one hell of a trip.
Defiantly an Xbox fan boy, PS4 wins.
I think so too, the release date is so close and someone out there must have a ps4 already.
Yeah defiantly Hipsters, speaking of which I`m going to be playing that kill the hipster mission all weekend on replay, cant get enough of killing hipsters.
I guess their original idea didn't work.