Seriously though, it is something to think about, providing nothing has destroyed us first.
Seriously though, it is something to think about, providing nothing has destroyed us first.
Screw you guys, Ill see you in 1000 years.
Its not bullshit, its the truth. I DO NOT BOW DOWN TO ANY MOTHERFUCKER WAVING A KNIFE IN MY FACE. I don't care if they are going to stabb me, I will simply not hand anything over, ever. I don't know how I can prove it, but its the entire truth.
Another lost empire was build over the ashes of this one
Well I had a gang of angry youths wave very sharp pointy knifes at me while punching me in the face demanding my phone, they didn't get it, I just told them I didn't have one and I managed to get help before they ran away. Not many people are so lucky.
It be JC, not Jesus though.
The future
negative out come not good, RIP rifft, I`m going with Sony now. Screw Facebook, I hate them, though sadly rifft needed someone, I just wish it wasn't Facebook. I thinks Rifft is going to lose a lot of support from rift fans.
I love sleep hallucinations, thoe I am an avid psychedelic user, once I awoke to a knocking at my door, Thinking it was my mum I said come in, then suddenly this pretty blue glowing girl holding a cat floated towards me, she whispered something into my ear and as I whent to touch her she faded away.
If we where to roll one up every time the king says so, it will be one hell of a trip.
Please, please, please, someone make this for real.
Defiantly an Xbox fan boy, PS4 wins.
I think so too, the release date is so close and someone out there must have a ps4 already.
Have you encountered this glitch?
Yeah defiantly Hipsters, speaking of which I`m going to be playing that kill the hipster mission all weekend on replay, cant get enough of killing hipsters.
Cool, happy birthday too, weird as it may sound I have never talked to anyone who shares the same birthday, I did have a friend whose was on the 12th though.
I was born on Monday September the 13th, but this year it falls on a Friday, yay.
I guess their original idea didn't work.
If your going to build a flying car, at least do it with style.
If the law of physics prohibit time travel, then simply change the laws of physics.