Chris Zimmer

These horror stories I hear from other states just make me smile. Imagine living where the states actually verifies that you can actually operate a vehicle before turning you loose into traffic. In all fairness, TN has tightened things up since the early 80's.

What is this "parallel parking" test of which everyone speaks? When I got my license in TN, I went to the DMV (at the local National Guard armory). Backed out of the parking space, drove around the building, not leaving the parking lot and then parked in the same spot I'd backed out of not a minute before. Passed and

All it needs is cocaine and it is the ultimate 80's movie.

that I didn't know. I thought they were all backwards.

yes. Shift pattern is the same between LHD and RHD cars. Ditto for pedal arrangement in the floor. Right foot still does gas and brake, left for the clutch.

I would DD this thing all summer long, and wipe it with a diaper through the long Syracuse winters. I need to go change my pants.

given that it sold at the buy it now price, someone thought 11,500 was NP. I have to say, I concur. NP.

I'm glad you took it in the playful & fun manner I intended.


how about 2-5 years? Same amount of time I'd face in prison if I did that to my wife.

But the gluten in wheat will kill us all. At least that is what I keep seeing in the media. Gluten leads to health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart conditions doesn't it? Surely the media wouldn't resort to hyperbole, right?

I was just in California and the news there reported about a UC Berkeley study that showed central valley farmers have sucked so much water out of the aquifers, that the ground has dropped by 6" and this was triggering earthquakes. So based on that, sinkholes—probably not. Earthquakes—possibly so.

My old '81 diesel rabbit got about 50mpg if I kept it under 60mph. It had 52HP and I could roll coal with it no problem.

I'm hoping he got something for driving it. (Other than a tax break for writing the review of course).

but what kind of mileage did it get? It should be in the neighborhood of 70mpg. That's the European trade off isn't it? Slow, rattling, and underpowered (by US standards) diesels for awesome mileage.

it ain't sex, but it is Models S3X.

i just drove a new ford escape (2014 with ecoboost, 4wd, and 4,000 miles on it) across the country—NY to CA. A truck threw a rock and chipped the windshield. I got a new Forester with 800 miles on it at SFO. after 500 miles in the subie—no comparison, that subaru is nowhere near as nice as the escape. It does get

i've never had any dealings with driver's village, but that many different stealerships right there next to one another acting all chummy gives me the willies. Screw convenience, I'd never go there just on general principle.

i could do eighteen hundred not thousand. honestly even that much is a gift. i mourn the passing of another Ghia. For shame seller, for shame.