Chris Zimmer

and I thought it was Willie Dixon with Hobbits and reverb.

I guess one could undo the damage, and even if it can be accomplished well for say 10 large (I pulled that number out of my ass—I have no idea what it would cost to make this thing right), it still isn't worth it. You'd have a C2 that looks original, but under its new skin, would still bear the scars of its

dammit so much. It is raining here. stupid syracuse weather...

first time through, I missed the tire swap on the 2013 stop.

Not unpopular here. You made the right call—unless you are heading to Burning Man.

sorry, I was making a reference to the drug addled fat man, and that if you can't run a third pedal you should starve...even if you don't have legs.


I'm really digging that triangular grille, even if it isn't a wankel under the hood. The way the headlights sit is what seems a little off to me.

I feel like I'm in a select minority of windows users who like win8. Glad to know I'm not. When I use win 8 without a touch screen, my blood boils.

Boooooooo. I have drunk deeply from the metro kool-aid. I don't need no steenkin' start menu. I know this is not a popular position, but with a touch screen, I really don't. I am happy Microsoft finally listened to the many millions of users who do not have a touch screen.

Neutral: Kentucky did better in March than I anticipated. Wait, this isn't deadspin, my bad...

on after Robots versus Wrestlers

I wish I had bought this at CarMax who will warranty anything...

Only regret I'd have is it isn't a wagon.

As someone who clocks in at 6'6", I heartily support this car. Not that I'll ever be able to talk my 6'0" wife into letting me get one...

Back in the 80's a friend of mine had one of these. It sat busted in the parking lot more than it ran. Flash forward 25 more years...


I know what I'm going to listen to at work today. I'd forgotten how good Animals was.

Other sources of glutamic acid include tomato paste and mushrooms. What business do those things have on a pizza?

At 6'6" and 235, the roomiest car I ever had for the legs was a 1975 datsun 280Z.