Chris Zimmer

Sorry about your experience. I've had a low opinion of paypal for about 10 years now after they screwed me over.

Sorry, but the south is full of backwards blubbering dimwits. Not about getting caught out in the snow, but on topics such as evolution, climate change, poverty, and race.

yes, a train that runs right down the guts of a densely populated peninsula. A train that when running due to such dense population, will not be able to run at anywhere near its top speed. Yeah, good thinking there California.

All these kart events being sponsored by BRAWNDO of course.

my wife is also slated to get 10 inches tonight.

what an unsexy, boring-ass logo. You'd think a company with Italian blood in it could do something sexy. Cars are becoming too beige without the company logo going down the same beige path. A monkey with a sans serif font could do that logo.

ahhhhh, 240p we meet again.

oh hellz yeah! Only way this isn't worth it if if the engine has a death rattle or the rust fairy has raped it.

I'm going to have to disagree. That one's just so bad that it is bad. At the least, make your case as to why its so bad its good. I haven't seen it since it was new, so maybe the perspective of time has elevated it? I walked out of the theater on this one.

you are correct, and I'm surprised I had to scroll down this far to find Rocky.

I like the idea of the special "whiskey" plates. I'd make it along the lines of DUI-0000 and with a hot pink background. Kudos Minnesota.

Neutral: The best Volvo ad is the one they didn't do.

Not in New York. The state requires tags, insurance, the whole deal to ride 50cc scooters. Ain't no such thing as a liquorcycle up here. Down in SC when you see a dude on a 50cc scooter, the kneejerk reaction is "their license is revoked for DUI."

douchebag CHEATING coach. Can't discount his cheating USC years...

Peyton is loved in Tennessee. I figured he would have carried the whole state.

Due to the title: CP for CA residents. NP for the rest of us. Not a strong NP, but I can see the seller getting that coin.

no, you are not. She looks awesome.

later models had the bubble. Can't remember when they went to the bubble.

which is about what I paid for the car back then.

Oh, but that IS funny.