Chris Zimmer

Wait, didn't A&E do this a few years ago with "Dog the Bounty Hunter" and his racist comments? Didn't Dog come back a few months later?

what I've found living up here with the yankee-folk is when I relate typical stories of the race-baiting, ignorance-glorifying south that I experienced for the 30+ years I lived there is one of shock and disbelievement. Then something like the Chick-fil-A homosexual marriage thing happens, or the Duck Dynasty guys

Awesome. I haven't crunched any numbers, but when I go back into the market for a vehicle, diesels will most definitely be on my list.

You are most correct, I operated it in a highly illegal fashion. Never got caught so there is that. I'd been running it for months when I found out why it was so much cheaper than anywhere else in town. Yes, I was young and stupid.

Neutral: As much as I love diesel engines (I'm still regretting letting my 1981 Diesel Rabbit go back in 1989) I'm not buying one until the increase in mileage can offset the price premium I pay for the fuel. Back in the day, I'd fill up my Rabbit with off road diesel. Typically paid 48-68 cents gallon for the stuff.

If you live in a region that checks emissions, CP. For the rest of us I can see it getting a marginal NP. It's not a healthy NP simply because I'm of the opinion that if you can't write a decent ad, you have to be a moron.

exactly like the golden shower

thank you. First building I thought of, and I had to scroll and scroll to find a like-minded individual.

true, but I think he'll roll that window up the moment the biker hops off. Note the open sunroof...when it rains, it pours!

this is the time where you climb up on the fucker's car and piss all over it.

I like the way you think. Might as well snort it off 2 strippers' asses...this is one of the bigger benzes, right?

came here to post this picture, saw that you beat me to it. Kudos.

what? the car or the snorting of coke off the stripper's ass? No way to the car...

Maybe if you lived in Miami in the 80's and plan on spending your time snorting coke off a stripper's ass.

Cops are cooler where you live. I was doing 95 in a 55 nestled in with an Audi and BMW. The trooper threw his car into the median without even waiting to get to the clear U-turn place to come after us. I guess he chose one of the other guys to pursue, but he was definitely not of the "fuck it let 'em go" mindset

I will admit my comment was more directed at the Cowboys than the Texans (since I assume dad was putting down the Texans with his comment). They inexplicably fell hard this year.

ahhhh yes, the most expensive option on Mercedes, BMWs, and Audis.

yes winning super bowls last century is definitely a team that did not suck. However, what have they done for me lately other than choke, lose, and squander away opportunity after opportunity.

"You want to play for the Texans or Cowboys?" He already was the world's worst dad, but with that statement, he sinks to a whole new level. Only the Jets come anywhere near the level of suck that the Texans and Cowboys put on the field.

and the number is? and where were you?