Chris Zimmer

Finally someone who can put truck nutz on their vehicle without hanging their head in shame.

Look, my car doesn't go backwards.

Are Farah and Musto giants, or are Harris and Spinelli just that short?

it's got to be the glass. It sure isn't those fire breathing engines.

A VW with that many windows commands a high price. I'll be surprised if it doesn't sell. On general principle most aren't worth that, but the ones with that many windows usually are.

Volvo wants to sell cars? Well build cars <RANT ON> NOT SUVS/CUVS/WHATEVER THE HELL YOU WANT TO CALL 'EM! </RANT OFF>

I didn't realize that:

I choose to believe it is stuffed full o' batteries. Besides if I make fake motorcycle noises when I'm riding it, it at least makes sense, right?

with a little looking, you can get into a Mk I Scirocco. I personally lust after the 1981 model year, but any of 'em will do.

I was heading toward the NP button, then I watched the video. Something told me to click CP and I listened. I'm in the minority here today.

Always leave 'em wanting more. Chris never fails on that metric.

Isn't Huckleberry Finn freely available as a text file? Why yes it is... (http://www.gutenberg.org/files/76/76.tx…) so really how much time and energy does it take to do a find and replace all in Word?

Neutral: Any maker more enthusiast focused than Mazda? Of course not if you only count makers the average person can afford. Otherwise all the usual suspects can be considered—Porsche, Ferrari, McLaren, Lambo, etc. Other makers give it a nod (e.g. Focus RS, Corvette, 370Z, GT-R, etc. I won't include muscle cars here

there are so many other pieces of shit out there you can Frankenstein together and have something where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. However, the creator of this, took a massive steamer all over the awesomeness that is the 2000. I'm OK with playing fast and loose with the Jeep. The desecration of

Nothing of the inside? Another person who just can't be bothered to write a good ad. What else couldn't they be bothered to do? Easy CP.

If it was awful, you weren't drunk enough. You have to drink their food edible.

I don't need the 4WD for 99% of my driving duties. So the next decider would be the third pedal. Neither of these have it. So I'll choose the one with the fewer miles...

they used a Rolls to shoot porn? Wow I guess all the free stuff on the internet isn't killing big budget porn like I thought it was.

Came here to comment about the density of people (more densely packed cities means more cyclists) but then I went and found data of the density of cities and saw no real correlation between density and cycling.

I like the Montana is honest and when a fatal accident occurs, they put a white cross on the road in that location. The western end of the state is covered in little white crosses.