Chris Zimmer

go to a website called "seriouseats.com" and search for pan pizza. It'll tell you everything you need to know about cooking pizzas in/on cast iron

I saw that as well. Saw that they were out of stock online (booooooo Home Depot) and only available online (booooooo again Home Depot). One day I'll have some unglazed tiles as my culinary hero AB suggests.

Yes! Put her through to Vegas.

good luck. I went to Home Depot and Lowe's in several different metropolitan areas in TN, SC, and NY. Not a one of them carried unglazed tiles. Now I just cook my pizzas in a cast iron skillet instead.

Much like my high school girlfriend, tight body, but nothing else here is doing it for me.

I thought the differences between the Volt concept and the Volt production is what happens when an idea hits the harsh reality of the wind tunnel.

The WTF is strong with this one.

it also works in safari if you enable the developer tab. I can't begin to count the number of videos I didn't watch because I wasn't willing to let the ad play and I wasn't willing to wait the 5 seconds in order to skip the ad.

In theory this is a great idea. However:

Head says nope, heart says yep. Since this is from the land of the rising sun, I went with the heart. One of the best days I ever had on the river, we got to said river in a 4runner such as this. Of course it was January and much too cold to pop the top, but there's nothing like riding in a topless truck.

Neutral: Of course build it. If the CTS-V wagon can be profitable on low sales numbers, this can be too. Sure, it won't move thousands of units, but that's the point isn't it? Maybe tweak the headlights a touch...maybe. Other than that, run with it.

If this were something from the pacific rim, it is definitely below the "what the hell, NP" threshold. However given its likely state of neglect (the rims, the HID, the front bumper) say LeMons to me, and 1750 is no LeMons car. Sorry, I really wanted to NP this, but I just can't. Too many rabbits, jettas, and quantums

needs moar curb feeler, and if the horn doesn't play the theme from shaft, then I ain't interested.

Great idea. Way too much price.

this might be a controversial statement, but here goes:

easy NP, and not in a "what the hell, the price is so low might as well NP it" kind of NP way. If you don't like the Browns, well you can always "hook dem horns" and move it to Austin.

Agreed on Tesla buying the Karma design. My wife is as non-car as they come, but she gushed about how stunning the Karma was when she saw one on Top Gear. Put that body on their next-gen electric car for the masses...

Have Detroiters stopped caring or have they given up hope? I hope it's the former and not the latter. I haven't been to Detroit since the mid-90's, but I'm heading there this weekend. Lots of northern tier cities are facing declining populations and diminishing tax bases, but none moreso than Detroit. I hope whoever

but voter turnout is always low in primaries regardless of office. Very few want to vote for "who gets voted for later" it seems. Sad state of affairs, but there's little value in bitching about "don't blame me, I voted for this other guy in the primary." Democracy inaction (and yes, I intentionally did not put a

I would like to think I am the perfect customer to buy a volt. I live 1 mile from work I live 1 mile (or less) away from 2 grocery stores. Target is 3 miles away. The mall is half a mile away. Home Depot is 2 miles away (not that a volt can carry much). 99% of everything I need is within a 5 mile radius of my house.