Chris Zimmer

I'm taller than Jezza, make mine a GT too.

It's no Wi Too Lo or Ho Lee Phuk, but it seems fox affiliates nationwide are on a fact checking break.

with all these other car manufacturers whose raison d'etre is to give the ol' middle finger to ferrari, just goes to show (whether deservedly or undeservedly) ferrari is still the shit.

My sister's had bear rooting around on her porch at her cabin on Lake Madrone. I've never been lucky enough to see bear in the Sierras...only evidence of their passing through.


yes, surly makes bikes with 4" tires, so tubes are made that big. I'd go see what you can find in the 2.75" range.

That is a great road. I was having so much fun there one time until I came around a corner and saw 5 deer in the road. Didn't hit anything, but nothing quite like that to snap one back to reality.

Romania is also in Europe.

Never thought I'd vote CP on a Miata, but here we are...

I loves me some station wagons. But I don't loves this one. The 1500 dollar merc nightmare waiting to happen from the other day is more desirable than this.

the wise ass in me was thinking "marketing" as the reason. Still blueberries are tasty little things, and IMHO make better pies, cobblers, and smoothies. I guess they'd look like blue balls on a license plate, and that's no fun...

Why is Georgia the peach state? Georgia produces (by weight) more blueberries than it does peaches. South Carolina produces more peaches than Georgia.

anyone who votes NP on this is trolling. Pure & simple trolling.

I powered through episode 1, but was totally hooked by the end of episode 2.

but Nathan rode that one joke and it was consistently funny. Rudy is simply crass and unfunny. I'm easily amused and respect comedic delivery and timing. Nathan has it. Rudy doesn't.

I live in syracuse. I'll keep my car until it is so rusted out, it won't pass inspection.

I wish. Maybe they were 150 pounds ago. I have no idea really.

I like the idea. I even appreciate that he kept the engine swap in the family instead of going SBC. However, the execution reveals the builder to be completely retarded. Sorry boys, but I'm going CP on this. Never buy a car from a retard.

first job after college was working with teenaged juvenile delinquents. We had a malaise era buick hoopty for transporting one or two delinquents. I knew of an isolated gravel lot where I could come in hot, toss the wheel, gun the engine and fishtail around slinging gravel and puttin' a ton of dust in the air. If the

I'm glad I haven't seen one for these in years