
Literally no one cares about your pizza opinions

I’m Jewish. Don’t you dare speak for me. This is not anti semitism.

It’s one of my favorite movies, but there’s no way Miller’s Crossing is more famous than The Usual Suspects.

I recall the adorable, non-racist cultural talking points the right used against Obama centering around his effete, out of touch food preferences like arugula and blackberry Honest Tea. But god help me if reading about Trump’s fucking rancid diet doesn’t make me want to thread my colon with a rope of flax seed in the

I don’t know, is America ready for the idea of a black President?

Better check WebMD to make sure it isn’t cancer.

How’s that working out, 53 percent of white women who voted against your own self-interest to elect President Liar von AfterBirth?

Regarding Al Franken: His actions were horrible, but at what point do we can we stop painting everyone with the same brush? He was a comedian, albeit one that I never found particularly funny. He’s clearly joking in the one picture that I saw, and grabbing someone’s butt during a photo in the past sounds like a

What part of the word “temporary” are you having trouble understanding? This isn’t over at all.

Build refineries near the oil.

Leave it to a libertarian think tank to focus on “occurrences”, not quantities spilled.



When your chosen candidate has disastrous news come out about them the responsible thing to do in a democracy is cancel the election until such a time as a suitable candidate can be found.

Who gets banned from a mall in Alabama in the 80's? It’s not like today where people are a little more paranoid and reactive. People were actually a bit more trusting. You’d have to go above and beyond if it had nothing to do with vandalism or shoplifting.

Same here, I don’t believe a single word of it. I scoured the internet and tracked it to the source that all the newspaper was citing.. and it was some website where all the articles were written like badly written bdsm fanfic trying to pass itself off as a legit news source. They even used sexy pictures of Allison

I cringed when I saw the headline. I was prepared for this to be a “Your Fave is Problematic”-style takedown of Bowie, and I honestly wasn’t sure I wanted to read it. I clicked anyhow and was pleasantly surprised.

I appreciate your willingness to write a story that reflects deep ambivalence. I think there isn’t enough of that anymore (everything is always strident and polarized) but you did a great job sitting with the murkiness of what this all means about Bowie’s legacy.