
“Hey descendant, just finished up with the hunting party to bring down a mammoth, had to track it for days, dodge wolves and saber tooth tigers. But, the tribe won’t starve. What have you been up to?”

My ancestors had no idea how many stars I would get on my Root comments. Sometimes, after a real good one? I hear them call my name...kidelo...kidelo...

Im copy and pasting this and sending it to Joe Biden.

David Brooks is not someone from whom the Democrats should be taking advice. Any Dem trying to chase that mediocre fuck should be immediately dismissed as unacceptable. 

As a restaurant patron, I dig review aggregators. I travel a lot, and if I’ve got limited time in a place I know I might not see again, I’d like to increase my odds of trying some of their better stuff. And it’s worked. It’s not perfect. I’ve had meals where I was underwhelmed. But I’ve also had hundreds of good meals

Exactly! You’re good at this.

So like “The food made me ill but the restroom was clean enough to throw up in.”?

I try to write, and also look for, reviews that mention both the good and the bad. It’s rare that a restaurant fails at every single level.

I am a “Google Local Guide” (some random title they gave me for writing reviews) and I review restaurants for fun. I do so for one of two reasons: the food/service/price are excellent and I recommend the place, or the food/service/price were terrible and I recommend people find a different place to spend their money.


Suggesting tipping $10/person/day is a good advertisement for using Airbnb instead of hotels. 

A basic clean (the term for a guest coming back) is 10-15 min max.

But that’s just a regular old perfectly reasonable 300-500% cost of living raise since the 2016 recommendations!  What, did you not get one of those in your line of work?

Not to mention if this becomes so commonplace that staff becomes “tipped” employees, that you bet your ass management is going to reduce them to 4$/hr.

Hmm 2016 was $5, multiply by cost of living inflation, carry the 1, $10. Boy do I wish I my salary had done that in 3 years. 

I leave the DND sign up because I prefer they stay out. It’s not that I am hiding anything, I would just prefer they not come in, and I don’t need the service. I realize it’s not a legally binding contract. In all the many, many hotels I have stayed at, I have never come back to find my room clean when I left the DND

$10 per day, per person?!?

See, I don’t understand any of this at all. I book a hotel room so I have somewhere to sleep when I’m not doing what I’m in town to do. The job of housekeeping is to refresh the room after I’ve used it. I’m not gonna trash the room, but why should I do their job for them? If I want privacy, I need to feel bad about

No, still applies, just throw it away.  How can something so slimy taste like sawdust?

Genuinely curious, do you have any sources that suggest aged food may have a different nutritional value, and may be harmful long-term?

I prefer one of the ways of thinking about it that was presented in the article but can always use more emphasis- throwing out food just because that one particular meal may not provide the most optimal health benefits imaginable is wasteful and silly. The chicken is fine- the only problem may be that it doesn’t taste