The Mall of America is... a mall. Yes, it’s a big mall, but it. is. a. mall. Do you enjoy going to the mall where you live? If not, you won’t enjoy going to the mall-ier mall we have here.
The Mall of America is... a mall. Yes, it’s a big mall, but it. is. a. mall. Do you enjoy going to the mall where you live? If not, you won’t enjoy going to the mall-ier mall we have here.
Though it’s not exactly recycling, reuse is just as important when it comes to being green.
I did actually know of someone who co-slept with their baby and he died. Of course, “co-slept” was more like he was ditched in the bed with her when she passed out after drinking, so really, it’s not “don’t co-sleep” but more like “Don’t be an idiot—don’t drink or take drugs that will cause you to pass out and smother…
“I slept with my baby in the bed and he didn’t die” isn’t data, it’s anecdote, and survivorship bias at that. Sleeping with a baby in your bed is a risk factor for accidentally killing the baby in your sleep. Why take the risk?
Guns are a risk factor. A risk factor almost no one needs to take on. But yeah, the medical professional has brain damage, because that’s easier.
just another example of how much lead is still in our water supply
That’s silly, if you are a responsible gun owner you aren’t contributing to any destruction. You can be a gun owner and also think there should be changes to our current gun laws, these things are not mutually exclusive. Don’t feel guilty for an inanimate object that is being used responsibly.
It’s worth it. Even if you aren’t disposing of anything, it’s nice that you don’t get stuck pulling little bits of food out of the drain. I was really unhappy in my apartment that didn’t have one.
If this place is known for its fried chicken, and they knew they were having a Valentine’s rush, there is also a good chance they were just firing chicken knowing the orders were going to be coming in.
The ideal scenario is that you scrape most of the food into trash or compost, but the little bits that still find their way down the drain because you aren’t picking oatmeal out of the pot grain-by-grain can be disposed. Then you throw some ice-cubes down it and run the thing at least once a week to keep it moving.
You put a chicken in the mixer?
i’ve lived in many major cities and depended heavily on public transit until i got a work from home job. Here’s the things that I notice that drive me nuts. most of this is probably ‘no duh’ material for readers of this site but it must be reiterated.
Washington, DC tips, mainly for visitors:
I love how he parent-shames AND mom-shames his own kids’ mother in one post. Sounds like a real charmer, this one!
Hey - we’re with you. Neither of my boys are good sleepers but part of that started with bad rhythms related to milk protein allergies (manifesting as colic). CIO didn’t work - they would cry until vomiting and then keep crying. I can be a cold-hearted SOB some days but kids, especially your own kids, in that much…
100% this. First kid we tried all things. How many hours can you let a baby scream till he throws up. Because I’ll tell you, it is possible for a baby to never fall asleep.
Wow, making potential clients feel bad for just being a loving parent. How’s that working out for business? You must be raking in the clients.
You let your infant child scream for 6 straight hours? Seriously? At no point in that time period did you think, “maybe this baby is not ready to be sleep trained?” All so that they would go to bed when told as toddlers? I know lots of toddlers that go to bed and stay in bed when told that were never subjected to…
It’s funny how sleep specialists all seem to have the same 4 suggestions...white noise, blackout curtains, early bedtime, put them down awake. And when that doesn’t work it is some version of letting your kid cry by themselves in a dark room. And if you don’t have the heart to do that for hours on end, then you are…
My first child was a nightmare when it came to sleep. He still is, at three years. He doesn’t like to be left alone, he fights to stay awake, and he used to wake up crying all the time. Then our second child was born, and he slept like a rock. I was so used to our first one that I would have to check on him to make…