But there’s yodeling. Good yodeling.
But there’s yodeling. Good yodeling.
Reminds me of the effort to strike the n-word out of Huck Finn. Let’s just pretend life wasn’t bad. I know I found it offensive to see all those naked starving jews in Schindler’s List.
Physician here. False.
Outside of that last bullet point, I’d like it if you’d stop telling my business. Getting whuppins sparked a lust in me to attack back.
This is such a great article, Mr. Young. I was beaten as a child, with a large wooden paddle, and by the time I was four, I learned to stop crying because if I cried, the beatings lasted longer. I was determined never to strike my children.
Thank you so much for this. I swear I grew up hearing about how black people beat there kids, and that never sat well with me. I thought that was some hold over slave type thinking. Like, I’m a black child so talking and reasoning won’t work on me;I have to get hit.
“Because this parenting shit is day after day after day after day after day of throwing shit at the wall and seeing what maybe sticks.”
Funny part is, people like us (who acknowledge out faults) would probably make the best parents. Because we are aware of our shortcomings and actively want to ensure they don’t cause problems. That awareness is SO FUCKING RARE and often absent from parenting discussions.
I wonder if it’s less that people think they’re a better parent than you, but rather are paranoid that you think you’re a better parent than they are and overcompensate.
I like how you posted three articles that actually gave parents responsible ways to “discipline” their children and the only take away you could infer was that children hate discipline and psychology is dumb.
Mostly, however, the arguments focused on what their parents did or didn’t do. “I was spanked and I turned out fine.”
Well, dang it i was spanked and...
As a white blonde woman I volunteer as tribute.
Someone said once that PSL (ugh) tastes like a candle and that is so accurate.
Pumpkin spice tastes like a lie. Not even a white lie (though it could be described accurately as such), but a bold face lie. It also tastes like ass, or cinnamon that couldn’t quite cinnamon correctly. But mainly a lie.
My marriage advice after almost a decade: you don’t have to always LIKE the same shit, but you should HATE the same shit.
SOCKS in the living room. SOCKS in between the couch cushions. SOCKS EVERYWHERE in my house. I adore my SO, but one of these days, I will jam every last dirty, stinky sock I find around the house in his mouth until he suffocates.
I am an anti-wipe warmer parent because what are you going to do when you change the poopy diaper out in public? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯