
Stacey seems like too much of a mooch with her lying to get Mike to get her a better house now this concrete job. Something is going to happen bc I don't remember her and Mike conversing much if at all in BB??

I am enjoying this season, but I think it would work better if you could binge watch the whole thing. As the week between for a half hour serialized show can hurt a tad.

I dont blame Mommy McGill one bit for loving Jimmy more than Chuck…

Best episode of the season so far.

McKeans best role was the lead singer in Spinal Tap!!! lol great and funny movie.

I think its safe to say Chuck has dethroned John Edward for "The Biggest Douche in the Universe Award." (any South Park fans out there lol?)

haha bring in a giant boom box and extra lap tops just cause.

Jimmy is going to put him in the nut house as he is the only person with the power to do that going back to season 1. I'm hoping that happens!

the show originally was supposed to be a half hour comedy than they called an audible to make it an hour drama but it was too lte to change the name I'm guessing.

Asshole Chuck firing poor Ernie. I hope he's able to get a last laugh on Chuck too.

he's always been down in the dirt with Jimmy he's just too smug to believe it.

remembering back to season one when the Dr. strongly was trying to get Jimmy to commit Chuck to the mental facility bc he is the only one who has that power todo that as only living kin. That will be the downfall of asshole brother Chuck.

Also I love how Mike puts on the oldies station to drain the battery bc of course he would lol.

I have been saying for the past year Jimmy is the only one who has the power to commit Chuck to the looney bin and he will do so before the hammer comes down.

good call

Ricky Spanish (in a whisoer)…..

haha I loved that too. I hope she has her arm in a cast for the duration of the show.

lol I loved last season when one of the twins complemented her appearance with "you even wore your finest moo moo just for us" haha.

I also at first glance Morpheus was Walter Goggins.

Lawyer -"DOnt you have a tattoo that says Die Bart Die"
Bob - "No, thats German for The Bart, The"