
Matt McCoy made this episode as Lloyd Braun. It wouldn't of worked as well with the other guy.

This is what the holidays are all about, 2 buddies sitting around chewing some gum…

My one problem with the show is just how type casted Danny McBride is now. He plays the same character in EVERYTHING HE DOES. Always that quirky dickhead that always thinks hes right and everyone else is delusional meanwhile he's the one whose delusional. It's like this show is Kenny Powers became a principal.

yea there is def something very off with Goggins character. maybe bc I'm a Tarantino movie fan and have seen what hes capable of doing acting wise.

Im telling you The Jimmy Chuck war will end with Jimmy putting Chuck in a mental institution as he is the only one who can have that done (if you go back to season 1).

yeah i just edited it lol… coffee hasnt kicked in yet.

i still think Jimmy is going to commit Chuck to the mental institution if you remember back to last season he has the power and him alone to do that.

yeah he did say that.. i guess i might have to re watch the first episode when he took the job n they talked about the what have ya's. Or was it the 2nd ep?

it was funny when jimmy threw that ass kissing broad's (forgot her name) soda in the trash lol…

anyone exactly remember how much Jimmy's bonus was?? also he will still get paid when the sandpiper case is done too right?

"You take people's to the toilet? One and two?" - Dale

amazing show! thanks for the reviews and see you next season!! RIP Gary Shandling…

"you traded my soul for pogs!?"

Seinfeld > Martin and no debate about it…

:thats the worst name i ever heard"

one of my favorite tony soprano dinner table tirades! haha

yea when the one was laying in the hospital near death and his legs cut off crawling after Walt was fucking crazy!

also other shows make it seem as soon as you graduate law school your immediately rich and are entitled to the good life…

galafanakis himself is in like his mid 40's..

I loved the hand pound by Johnnie and Shapiro…