
I wonder if Jimmy just kept the extra shoes or returned them to the store?? lol. Love Slipping Jimmy!

Also he's been in a 30 plus year dynasty fantasy league where the first ten years they did the scores with paper n pencil.


true, but it seemed from the get go they would work together in some fashion

hahaha He def has season tix to Abq's AAA team.

but not take Jimmy with him, right? Its Wexler McGill not Wexler.

he went with the High Heat franchise over EA's MVPbc High Heat had the minor leagues too.

with good reason as he was a tool before he broke bad.

yea thats why I'm kinda irked Kim doesnt cut him a break on the bills after all Jimmy did for her.

Man that Pryce sure loves his baseball so much thaat he even plays one of those 10$ disposable games from the 90's thats baseball themed.Also instead of don't kill me, his first question to Nacho was "You're not going to take my baseball cards?" lol great side character. He's the type that probably still wears tighty

agreed, remember Saul knew the vacuum guy before BB so maybe one or two go that route.

in 2002 yeah. I used to use them after football practice to get a ride. 1800 collect than when they ask the name just say pick me up and hang up. The oldest trick in the book.

yea the ratings this season are down pretty significantly. I still love the show though but its pulling like 1.8 ratings lately after the series premiere drew over a 6 and last season was in the mid 2's somewhere.

he was smitten lol. I loved how that tone was playing right after Walts fucking howitzer took out all of Jacks crew.

I loved the look Mike gave him when he pulled up in the flamboyant Hummer. Johnathan Banks facial expressions do a lot more sometimes than dialogue can which is great.

lol I loved his commercial in BB with the sexy cops arresting a DUI guy haha.

or leave unscathed like Pinkman as the characters kind of resemble each other that they want to become better people it seems.

Is it me or Nacho reflecting Pinkman in BCS that he' bad but is breaking good as eps pile up.

I miss Pryce and his baseball card collection though. That guy had me in stitches every episode with how stupid he was.

Also have a feeling his Saul Goodman commercials will be a huge success and the reason he keeps the name when his suspension is up.