
With all that hardware power, can it play flash video yet? No, not true unhindered Internet access yet? No thanks.

True, but I certainly don't have 2-3k to spend on a new laptop every few years. Proud owner of 2010 MBP, but given this rate, two more years and they won't support this. But who am I kidding, I never got Lion, hated the idea of screwing up my Expose & spaces with stupid mission control.

I don't get it... I already get a warning about opening apps downloaded from the internet. This has to be something further than that, and it concerns me.

Your computer will last you ten years if you want... (Unless you want new software [that sucks might I add] )

I am sooooo sick of apple trying to kill independents (Developers, Musicians, Artists etc...)! If I make a software program, I shouldn't have to pay apple to distribute it. That's why I hate the mac app store, and now hate gatekeeper with a passion. I knew that Apple would try to make it impossible to find software

What better way to try and eliminate computers than by making computers tablets?...

I thought it looked like a normal map, guess I'm not too far off. But then again it has too many colors for a normal map.

Exactly MPAA is already back up and running, and if anyone they should be the ones down right now.

I know apple did support SOPA, but I thought they withdrew their support.

Do you frequently make articles about stumble upon results? :P I stumbled upon this months ago. Very useful, bookmarked it right away.

You guys are reading the text comments for the qualifying round. The final results were based off a poll and are in the other article.

If you have never tried to use 3D rendering software, get a clue. It's a much harder and longer detailed process than setting up a camera, adjusting your settings and waiting for the right moment to take the shot. It involves pre-production design and drawings, knowledge of many different programs, and creativity

Holy crap, when did this happen? My dual i7 mbp is worthless now! Jk, kinda...

I'm pretty sure love and poop are the same thing :P

Hold up, so they're going to put a quad core processor in their tablet before their laptop???? WTF

Lol, I get a discount for paying online with Sprint.

I don't get why people think the Feds are "in bed" with carrier iq. They have had their own methods which are official and public, regarding methods of tagging and recording "suspicious" sent texts, calls, voicemails, etc. Seriously, why would the FBI need this? They have been doing this for decades, and since the

This must be the most stupid thing they have done yet. Doesn't Team Poison hate Anonymous and Lulzsec in the first place? I'm pretty sure they hacked Anonymous and called them "script kitties".

Yeah really, why does apple get another app highlight section. Keep em for apps of the week.

Yeah, Apple is already trying to boast 4G speeds on the iPhone 4S with the SUPER ANTENNA! So I highly doubt they would give in to real 4G at the cost of battery life, since they've already tanked it so bad.