
I know who wasn't responsible for this...

Let me know when it's in a phone.

Well if the device turns on, or is stuck in a loop it isn't bricked. Bricked is when it won't turn on at all, the screen remains black, no lights light up. When it might as well be a brick (hence the term.) If it has a feature working like a led light it's not a brick, it's a led light and it can probably be restored.

How about this... Go to the article above this (Wikileaks Has Spawned...) and right click on the video. Guess what plays it? Flash... How can Gizmodo call flash dead when they still use it every day. But you know what? I have flash player on my phone, so it's not a problem. Sucks for all their iOS users though.

"The fact that LTE and god damn 3D screens were weighted enough to oust the iPhone seems off."

Lol, this sounds like just the forum on Cyanogen Nightly Builds (Battery Problems, Volume Issues)... Apple your official release has as many bugs as a custom rom side project nightly build! LOL

I just want to know what you guys think a virus is, and why your two definitions are worse than the other. A trojan is a piece of malware that sneaks into your system and allows information to be parsed into or out of the system. If it's a virus or not, it's malware and macs get it.

This... Is... AWESOME!

I'm getting the 450 minutes (unlimited mobile to mobile) unlimited texting, and unlimited data on sprint for 69.99, your chart doesn't mention that that plan also includes data. The 450 minutes and unlimited texting only is even cheaper.

"I'll change my mind when I actually come across a website or video that requires Flash"

Apple just dissapointed everyone so Diaz has to defend them about something, you know, try and take attention away from the (good but) less than magical iPhone 4S... I guess there was a rumor that Apple was hacked so he called everyone who visits the page an, what was it "iDiot"?

Ars Technica's Liveblog is down.

What operating system is this? Modified android or something entirely new?

You obviously don't have a cellphone you can just root and get free tethering with... Or live in a city or college campus (which I live in both), it's a surprise when I don't have wifi.

So I decided not to upgrade to Lion and it's seeming like more and more of the right choice. It seems everyone is spending more time getting rid of Lions features, rather than using them.

Hold up... Is Google + "Resonating with people" or is it so unused their CEO doesn't even use it anymore. You guys have me quite confused regarding the success (or lack thereof) with G+...

Meh, in Tampa it was a big letdown. I mean, on average it gets marginally better speeds than 3G, but the battery life lost isn't worth it. The only time I use it is when I'm tethering to my computer to avoid UT's horrible bandwidth cap. Although I am across the river from the city, so I'm not IN THE CITY, but I cross

They only Live Blog apple events... (and E3)

I hate to be that guy, but one of your two "Bad News" items is that it isn't flash ready yet. But then you go to say we should use the iPad instead, which lacks, and always will lack flash.

It's at least a month or two old, I saw it over the summer.