Uh oh. Upset pewdiepie fan alert.
Uh oh. Upset pewdiepie fan alert.
Amazing when they aren’t being caught for cheating, I suppose.
Nobody’s going to take you serious with such crazy ass hyperbole.
Resident evil 7 is the beat horror game in years. If you think that’s mediocre, you need help.
Resident evil 7 is the beat horror game in years. If you think that’s mediocre, you need help.
Congrats on the stupidest comment this morning :)
HAHAHAHAHA!!!! What land are you living in? You expect the company with the weakest hardware, will really magically come out with a 4k system? Do you realize how impossible that would be?!
No, its straight up, a lot weaker.
Get off the drugs
Newsflash moron, breats are in damn near everything. And everywhere. Stop getting butthurt over cleavage, you dumbass.
Dude, your so fucking gay. Oh no, not cleavage! Grow up.
Big fucking whoop, dickless.
So I take it you avoid every white person on the street. In fear that a 1940s era lynching could happen? Give me a fucking break!
The first half of your post, I highly doubt. But I agree with your last sentence.
Thank you for not buying into that “white people are the devil” nonsense. It sounds like you are raising your kid right.
You are a real stupid piece of shit. Somebody talks about love, not hatred, and you call them a derogatory name? I can only hope that people treat you how you deserve. Hell tar and feather you if you have a problem with love. You stupid bitch. It doesn’t matter what race you are, your projecting the very attitude that…
Let’s just pretend that whites on black crime is more prevalent then black on black crime! Gtfo
No, he always looks like that. Even with max settings.
He shouldn’t have to apologize over a obviously rhetorical question. If some stupid asshole wants to cry over it, let them. Ethan doesn’t owe anybody a apology.
Oh shut it. A moron could tell it was rhetorical. Your crying over nothing.