I would and mgs fans would too. hell there are digital comics, dipshit.
I would and mgs fans would too. hell there are digital comics, dipshit.
Oh, look at Mr. edgy over here. LMAO, shut the Fuck up kid and take your medication, your rambling nonsense.
Of fucking course not, are you serious???
Your just trolling and talking to hear yourself talk. you haven’t played it, pretty presumptuous and dumb for you to be talking so much trash about a game you have next to no idea what it’s about. what the hell made you so closed minded and cynical? grow up
No. two were expansions and they hardly count. they aren’t even cannon.
There were two sequels....hardly half a dozen dude.
There are certainly aim down sights....
Quiet is hardly a reason to ignore his accolades. that’s just retarded.
Metal gear alone is all that was needed. he has made so many ideas and fun gameplay mechanics. mgs 3 was not retarded at all. your opinion and all, but it’s a minority one. this guy is easily one of the smartest developers of our time. that’s why hes celebrated. even if you don’t like the meta of what metal gear…
Love how everybody is making a mountain out of a ant hill
I disagree. 6, 7, 9 and 10 all had strong female characters.
Are you dumb? you think the government should waste there time on video games? gtfo of here.
Like every fucking celebrity. big deal.
He honestly seems like a decent guy. Fuck these haters.
Man if he wants to be on his phone, fucking let him. no need to be a baby over it.
Believe it. while rare, women can be pedophiles. it’s not impossible to think something like this really did happen one point in time.
Stoptrying defend these pieces of shit. there’s a reason it’s overwhelmingly negative on steam, dipshit.
It’s a legimite comment. structurally the game is hardcore lacking in depth, and the once fad has mostly sizzled. sorry if that rustles your jimmies.
Yawn. I’m so sick of you hipsters saying the first was better in ways it then it really want.
Better watch out, least you get called a pedo sympathiser