He honestly seems like a decent guy. Fuck these haters.
He honestly seems like a decent guy. Fuck these haters.
Man if he wants to be on his phone, fucking let him. no need to be a baby over it.
Believe it. while rare, women can be pedophiles. it’s not impossible to think something like this really did happen one point in time.
Stoptrying defend these pieces of shit. there’s a reason it’s overwhelmingly negative on steam, dipshit.
It’s a legimite comment. structurally the game is hardcore lacking in depth, and the once fad has mostly sizzled. sorry if that rustles your jimmies.
Yawn. I’m so sick of you hipsters saying the first was better in ways it then it really want.
Better watch out, least you get called a pedo sympathiser
I’m willing to bet your a bigger piece of shit then this “monster”, either that or your the biggest moron I’ve seen today.
God, your a fucking dipshit.
So obviously the shit I wrong, but Jesus Christ, you sound like a ignorant jackass.
Pretty dumb reason to play a game
Opinions are assholes....
24 here, still play rpgs between sleeping and working. they are a nice change of pace from all the shooters.
Ummm....aliens isolation???
You and the original commentator obviously don’t watch the damned show. they rip on everything, fairly. with a huge dose of irony. obviously it goes over your head.
There are plenty of 60 GPS games. it’s not the holy grail your making it up to be. hell the ps2 could do it. as far as your last comment, ah, I get what you mean, my mistake.
He’s being a self entitled, whiny, brat. Fuck people that act like that. regardless of you guys wanting to have the HORRIBLE happenstance of seeing a election post on here, this shit is very important. hiding your head in the sand is a chickenshit move, but if that’s what you want to do it, then so be it, just don’t…
His point is that he’s a whiny fucking crybaby. this article doesn’t hurt anybody. if you don’t like it, then Fuck off. kotaku doesn’t need to make sure every damned post is OK with everybody. this election and the results will affect the whole world. if some of you choose to put your head in the sand, that’s on you…
Nobody even brought up how white people’s opinion doesn’t matter, you fucking turd. grow up and get a life. your pathetic.
Get the Fuck over yourself! there’s more to life then games, and kotaku has every right to make one damned post about something so life changing. you fucking crybaby. people like you are beyond annoying. grow up and try going outside, jackass. people like you piss me off. hide your head in your sand, the rest of us…