
jesus, now your just a broken record. that makes no sense. congrats. your the white noise of broken records. also, your obviously very mentally unstable to be saying all of this crazy shit thats not even in the damned game.

its only offensive if your a little crybaby about it. its a fucking game and your acting 12. grow the fuck up and put on your big boy pants. stop trying to project and make it seem like something its not. the end. the fact you keep arguing when everybody is telling you your full of shit just proves your intelligence.


no shit. these people saying oh your clearly the bad guy have no idea what the F they are talking about. its quite aggravating they are projecting and then being a crybaby on top of it. FFS

thats on you. dont be projecting your own personality into a video game that CLEARLY spells out constantly your the good guy. you cant shoot innocents. you can only shoot at people that attack you if they see you. two completely different things. you hand out food and medical supplies, prevent people from being mugged

your an idiot. the game is nothing like this comment, your juust being a crybavy to be a crybaby. you help plenty of people, the first half of the missions are all about helping people. you have no idea what your talking about, and are trying to pass it off as fact. you are being very niave.

I think the Devs have to make two separate versions, like windows vs. MACs

It does.

Seasons aren’t on consoles.

hes not saying its all taken care of by automation, hes saying as long as people keep clicking a certain deal, as long as the deals still up and people are interested, theyll keep listing it.

hes not saying its all taken care of by automation, hes saying as long as people keep clicking a certain deal, as


maybe because nobody cares about that, because stardew valley is a crazy breakout hit for a one person job? take off your damn tinfoil.

gotcha. thanks for the correction!

fair enough bud.

hate to break it to you, but drake has always been crap.

the vive has alien:isolation. thats enough for me ;P no but it has over a hundred gamea already announced, the occulous has like 50 from what i heard?

lol i figured you most likely had a job, because of VR. i was just wondering after i posted my comment, if you could be a asshole and not do your job. say like throw a burger at somebody if you worked at fast food. i could see some fun in stuff like that. All I know is on my work days, im on my feet the entire time,

i dont understand the appeal of job simulator, especially for those of us with actual jobs. JS.

if it wasnt for the fact that this game is more indepth then most other cell phone games, you would be right! it really was a fun series. lots of replayability, weapons, armor, the level designs rocked, not even counting the great graphics for its time. etc.

and ff xi...