
Apparently if your drunk hell basically be dumb? I dunno, I wish they included it too. But I’m glad they entered the 21st century and added voice acting.

I agree the inventory management is a pain. But a lot of other complaints in this are pretty small. A lot of your complains can be deduced by common sense. LIke the vats percentage. The vault boy when crafting means you need to command a settler to use that device. Also, by pressing back, you bring the pipboy into

Yesit does mean Jack. Because most of those games are absolutely great. Most snes games haven’t aged well. Except for the exception of some Nintendo developed games. I’ll happily keep my current gem games thank you. I tried to play a she’s a month ago and I had to turn it off because it wasn’t doing Jack shit for me.

Actually, that’s completely BS. I have a huge variety of games on my Xbox one. Many of them are more unique then not.

I don’t know what your talking about. I have over 60 games on my Xbox one. With a huge huge variety of games. More now then anything from the PS2 era, more then the 360 era, more then the amount of games I can even think of for the SNES.

Nah. It was great at the time, but if you’ve played anything since the 360 and PS3 era then you’ll realize how far games have evolved. This may have some of the best games of all time but the console itself is archaic.

Your kidding right? Fallout 4 is FAR from empty

Nooooo.....seriously what kind of moronic comment is this? This is a great game and hasn’t even been out for a month. Troll better?

OMG I remember this controller!

So, you complain saying how you think fallout 4 should be newer. Then you say you’d rather just shoot stuff then take care of your settlement. That’s some BS.

Your a giant douche.

Interesting...is it still around/active? I havent played smite a whole lot but i didnt really find it perticularly interesting soooo....but this looks much more interesting IMO.

Sounds soooo much like halo 5s warzone. Which is super addicting. Ill have to give this a try. Thanks Fahey!

I think food handlers should be mandated to wear gloves. I don’t want anybody touching me with there germy hands. Drink handlers I wouldn’t expect too though.

Gladyour enjoying it. I got it day one and I’ve never once had regrets. I knew the games would come as would the interface. I by far think the Xbox one is my favorite console ever, and I’ve had them all except a ps4, which I only want for bloodborne.

Just because they don’t give you rechargeable batteries doesn’t mean the controller was behind the times. Since the 360, they’ve been ahead.

Or you could use standard rechargeable batteries that are cheap as Fuck.

It’s amazing from the second you turn it on.

There are plenty of great games. Tomb raider and halo 5 were not big dissapointments. I could make a list of like 10 games if I had my collection. Black ops 3 is actually the shit.

If you’ve only played the first few on last gen consoles, you should give one of the newer ones a try.