Very true. To be honest, what confused me the most (well not really confused but I didn’t know it at the time) was that Naked snake was not Solid snake.
Very true. To be honest, what confused me the most (well not really confused but I didn’t know it at the time) was that Naked snake was not Solid snake.
Play phantom pain, then you would know how the controls are.
OK now this post, I can agree more. It definitely started getting convoluted near the end. But I had just read Angels and Demons right before then so I dug the story. They definitely could have a better ending, but at the time I thought it was decent. The message and content gave me the chills.
Pretty sure it wouldn’t get unanimous great scores if the story was bad.
That person’s wrong, because they already confirmed you can go in buildings. Hell it’s a infiltration game after all ;)
IDK about ps4 but Xbox one can swap from a game to 3 active apps and back again.
Pssh not me.
In a nutshell
That’s a strawman argument. As Breux said, those people very well could be bi way before.
Look in the help section in game. It lists which ones are DLC and where to find them.
Look in the help section in game.
Hah! You obviously Don’t read the news. I read about minorities dying every single day by the hands of cops or such. What a crock of shit.
Ya know there’s something called video games, which can eat a lot of space, fast.
Ya know there’s something called video games, which can eat a lot of space, fast.
Because that’s the qualifying factor on being gay /s
So what? There’s also something called early sales. This is nothing new. I just bought don’t starve for a few dollars off on Xbox one. When it comes out, it’ll be full price again. This isn’t new or rocket science to figure out.
I was 12 when I played through mgs2. I understood every moment of it. It’s basically about the Illuminati, it’s really not that hard to understand. I haven’t played it in a couple years but I still can recall all major plot points, because they really aren’t that f’ing difficult to understand.
Apparently you unlock hard when you beat it.
Um he said near that line that it was PLAYSTATION 4.