what??? Eldritch horror is a knock off of Arkham Horror. That's like one of the best board games ever, your officially crazy my man.
what??? Eldritch horror is a knock off of Arkham Horror. That's like one of the best board games ever, your officially crazy my man.
um this game sounds interesting. A game where if anybody bumps the board the pieces stay where they end up? I like that idea, its things like that that make board games interesting. And coming up with alterations of rules is half he fun. And in some cases needed, not because the rules are confusing but because its…
fair enough and yes there exclusives worth buying. Last of us, and project overdrive, forza horizons, are just to name a few
and in case you haven't realized that's 5 games right there alone and that's not even mentioning forza horizons 2, and the upcoming games like halo 5, gears (which hell the first one had better gameplay then the order which had "the best combat mechanics ever"), below, quantum break, fable, scale bound, crackdown and…
halo and forza are Xbox one, wtf are you talking about? Yeah obviously gears isn't out now but its going to be a reason to get a Xbox like the first 3. And yeah, sunset overdrive and even the new tomb raider because spoiler: windows is Microsoft and so its still a Microsoft exclusive. And if by better you mean higher…
That's what Im talking about. Golden age my ass.
umm what? I have about 45 games on my xbox one now. I can't think of 10 solid wii u games that offer anything new that the wii Didnt do.
There are far more then 2 decent exclusives for xbox. Thats crazy talk.
oh awesome! I didn't think that actually sent through. But so are you enjoying your choice of profesion? What was the hardest hurdle in school? If you don't mind me asking :P
fair enough, I'm glad I understand what you mean now. Idk I feel with all the mobility that you get that the life bars aren't really a problem.
hows that going for you? My career goal is psychiatrist.
you and your dad had a lot in common? You don't say? And then it never came across to you that it's more then a little gross to blow the same guy your mom screwed to make YOU? Like wtf. So your telling me that there just MAY be something write about that whole genetic thing? /s
got yo the part in thee beginning where it says writer blew there dad a second time and feels bad about it...hmm maybe because you just blew the same guy your mom did at your age? That shits gross AF. I'm not judging you OE anything but wtf
huh, I thought I heard that was just a glitch and all of the hierarchy was considered a nemesis. I kinda like that idea though.
meh. Couldn't even beat it while I almost 100% the original
ttk wasn't low at all? No idea what your talking about, I completely agreed with you until the last paragraph. Sawing that as a gen 3 pilot. The mechanics younare complaining about where what defined it and gave it the decent ratings it got there was nothing wrong with adding parkour or making the maps as big as they…
does that not sound like a glitch to you? Sounds like a obvious glitch to me. But idk, I just bought it on sale.
well then super, awesome you have a good computer. That doesn't change the fact that for what they are the next gen consoles aren't that bad graphical wise and mostly keep up with a computer worth the same amount. Plus like I said, consoles are starting to have small unique features which even if you don't see the…
never played too much original Xbox, was mostly a ps2 kind of guy. But that's interesting. I just think its too early to start shouting "oh Microsoft pulled another f'ed up move" when we really don't know what went on in the background.
well considering I have been following any Xbox info since before it was released, they have hardly "promised" us anything. They have made ALOT of changes yes, like any other damn compqny . but there big changes were brought around because that's what the majority of people wanted.