
Yes because this Call of Duty does nothing new. Jesus Christ you guys are unbelievable.

Its still a great game, big freaking deal.

Don't be such a drama queen. It's still a very kick ass game.

only reason id ever get a wii u

Uh its obviously a play on KOTAKU....you know, the site your reading.

Its called a umlaut.

I believe they do

Too bad its not even true

Too bad its not even true


oh and I'm not a huge forza 5 fan at all btw. Horizon is so much more fun.

I agree it's lame when newer games cut out old content. Forza 5 is a special case because they have to rebuild every car from basically scratch, and there's been some free DLC. But don't get me started with the newest worms. Very disappointed how ..shallow it seems.

God, your pessimistic. Who gives a hell if they add multiplayer? That is a completely different mode then single player. If the single player sucks, that's because the developers chose to ship it when it sucks. In the end it all boils down to what the developers wish to do, just because you throw in multi doesn't mean

maybe because most people here are more interested in Mario kart? You know, which is on a completely different system then forza? Hmmm....

Wtf are you talking about? One car in forza 5 first takes MONTHS to recreate. Don't be a fanboy

Ew, no

way to run it into the ground, champ

bone doesn't even look that bad, he's just a stupid troll

then your pc sucks because it looks pretty good on xbox one. Not amazing, but pretty good. Stop trolling/ blaming your shifty computer for the graphics. Go back to half life 2, the graphics are horrid.