
Your opinion is now invalidated and crap if you seriously act like a 12 year old by throwing in a dollar sign in Microsoft's name. Like sony cares about money any less then MS? Cough ps4 20 dollar stand cough...any who shadowrun is great all around.

So what? You try to run gta 5 using 360/ps3 specs, and you tell me how it goes. Lmao master race my ass. Sure, PC gaming is great if you can afford it. But that doesn't get rid of the poor ports, extra bugs and etc. That dont have to blink a eye at. Let's see how great your thousand$+ PC compares to the games at the

"It's a American video, it's a American video" Jesus Christ you are such a broken record. And a retarded one at that. I didn't realize that this one video embodies all of the other violent things on YouTube. Yep, all of the" violent" videos are from America. Every single one of them. Get a brain cell, you need at

Shut the hell up. You don't like it, don't watch it. Many more countries then just America likes blowing things up, get your racist ass out of here if it's that above your head.

So what? Either opinions or being a fanboy, doesn't change the fact that 70% of everyone still says the xbox one controller is better

your ignorant if you think MS is just going to revert back to there old policies. Get a grip on reality, sony boy.

Get over it

not senseless because it disables auto start after a couple episodes, jerk off.

except it disables auto start after watching a couple episodes. Look into shit before sounding like a condescending jackass, please.

not to mention it doesnt really scale like xbox soooo

Dude, like I already said, 4or 5 games use it, not one. Stop trolling or use your damned head. Skyrim was much better with it. Gunstringer is great. Fruit ninja is fun. Obviously this goes over your head?

I do. Fruit ninja, gunstringer, skyrim and mass effect all say hi

Your horrible. Lost odyssey was Bad Ass to the max, hater.

Wrong. Been playing games since nes. A crappy controller is still a crappy controller. Love PlayStation, but there controllersucks. Nothing to do with a generation thing

Ps4 resolution for battlefield is not 1980. Its 900. Same as Xbox one, journalists have confirmed this a month or two ago or so.

No they are obviously fanboy fuckwits if they are even remotely close to the lying, ignorant fanboy that "the cast" is.

All of those rumors? Like the bs rumors like overheating,and down clocking? Lmao yes right fanboy. Inferior? Only in raw specs. xbox has actual next gen features, unlike Sony who has next to nothing new except better graphics. Sure is funny Sony jumped on the kinect bandwagon then dumped the useless camera. Probably

Not really. All internet services comes across issues. Build a bridge and get over it. Your Sony fear mongering tactics won't hamper my enjoyment when I get the Xbox day one

Its quite stupid. He has to be 12. Anyone who believes him is a fool. He is just sayinwhat he saw in the videos

Beta program for final fantasy 15? HAHAHAHAHA good one! Literally not a single percent chance tht is remotely possible.