
because for the same reason the first xbox didnt work with the 360; they are made differently, and the new version is upgraded in almost every way.

SOME games ran on DEV units. Thats it, dont exaggerate. Ryse, Forza 5, and Dead Rising were all on actual systems.

maybe not, because they are digital based now.

kinect isnt that bad, only whiny elitest "hardcore gamers" bitch about it. Get off your high horse, there is plenty of nice features that come from it. And dont you dare start with that bullshit NSA crap. I am a proud owner of the first kinect, and while not many games took advantage of it, the ones that did were made

um no you idiot, IF you include the new controller for 60, then you have to include it with the ps4 too, idiot. So both are 60, just with xbox its another 25 for headset. But who cares? Either stick with kinect, or get a nice pair of headphones

yea right dude, it was miles ahead of the shitty dualshocks

OK then, be prepared for your general audience to despise you like fish. He deserves it, sounds like you will too one day. Nobody made him into a douche, he did that himself. Its not like one random day the whole internet decided, hey let's gang up on poor nice fish, end of discussion

no. It sucked. The characters sucked, the draw system sucked. The GF system was cool, the graphics were horrible, its lame how they cut you off from most of the stuff when you are near the end, Oh, and dont even get me started on the story. Emo boy falls in love in a week. Horrible love story. I enjoyed it the first

recycled content? boy, you sound like you havent even played the damn game. While I was let down by the lack of content as well, I DID beat the story and side missions...but nowhere near 12 hours. Theres almost no way, unless you just went from one mission to the next without taking ANY breaks. Yeah right dude, I

Are you serious? It was a damn joke. Get over yourself lady. Just because he made a joke doesn't mean he was trying to belittle the guy, or anybody's homophobic. Damn, take a chill pill you drama queen. There was nothing wrong with stating the other guy likes men. If anybody homophobic, I'd say it was you, for you

There's talk about implementing it with Xbox one and kinect, they have a working prototype so its only a matter of time.

You have crappy tastes and are a fanboy for claiming that the Xbox has only 3 or so main exclusives. Then don't even mention forza, at the very least. You can't help anybody, your just another Sony puppet who think he knows so much.

You didn't even mention forza or vesperia, or lost odyssey. The only thing that's a joke, is you fanboy. I can half ass list ps3 exclusives too. The last of us and uncharted, big deal!

Of course you point out the 2 most generic. Fanboys never point out the competitor. There's also forza, dead rising, project spark soon, the best RPGs of this gen, lost odyssey and tales of vesperia, banjo kazooie, crackdown and fable. Most of these are even more original then th e last of us, so your point is moot.

Gears of war and switcher 2 are soe of the most popular, also exclusives. Yes being on PC doesn't count

There are plenty of games that are just on Xbox. Forza, dead rising 1 and now 3, halo, banjo kazooie, tales of vesperia, lost odyssey, crackdown, fable and many more. You and te guy who created this topic need to learn about the stuff your saying, because you fanboys can try to claim there's no good exclusives or not

The Xbox has plenty of exclusive as and it doesn't data mine you. Fanboy.

shut up, you retard. Not everybody gives a fuck about playstation 3 or 4.

there was nothing wrong with 4. the gunplay is the best feeling yet.you might not like it but 434 did good for there first game,like it or not

them charging money isn't bad ppolicies, its to make sure people don't release a very buggy game. You guys are failing to realize that they have a reason for it. You guys bitch about gamesbbeing released all buggy, while this wasnt a perfect Idea, it would make peopole think twice about testing there game BEFORE