
I hate conspiracy theories. Stupid ass people, you are not worth the government wasting there time just to sit and watch you play kinnect. They could be doing a bajillion more things, They have better sources to hack then a damned game peripheral, and If i was being watched, I would have been thrown in jail a long

Your a idiot if you think the kinect watches/reports what you do. It doesnt record livefeed you idiot. Its a game peripheral, that is it. If you miss out, its not because the government is listening, its because your crazy ass thinks that the guv'ment has nothing better to do then to sit on there ass watching fat

Which is a shame, because as a Kinect owner, it offers some good features. Voice commands, hell yes. All of the trash talkers need to grow up.

You really think Hacking into 1 server will do anything? Microsoft already said they'll have 300,000 servers, so if one thing goes wrong with a group, they'll still have 290,000 servers MINIMUM. Good luck trying to hack into all of those, dumb ass.

You retards don't even understand what he's saying. He's referring to just the no-internet players. The xbox one wont be that bad, and it even scored all but 1 exclusive at Sonys conference. Being able to have your entire game collection, on cloud, on any xbox that has your account? Easily beats your guys's shitty

Umm I do? Kinect isnt that bad you douchebag, voice commands are sick, and being able to videochat with my family members who moved to Whyoming is awesome. Just because there havent been too many great games for it doesnt mean its worthless.

Everyone is freaking out and being nerds for assuming microsoft or the government are going to be able to watch every action you do, at all times. Get a fucking grip with reality.

LOL sony did not WIN E3. There conference was horrible. Most of there games are available on the xbox One, they are now charging you to play online, Microsoft is giving away 2 games a month now, along with gold sharing. Sony's only good exclusive is that shooting one, They lost Metal Gear Solid, Final fantasy IV, and

yup sony with there DRM talk is going to beat xbox....yeah right.

that ryhme was pretty lame and im gladly staying up to watch it.

Anything is better then the atrocious dual shock 3.

Yeah, just watch the Xbox one will be jUST fine. They alleviated a lot of fears ttoday, you just like to look at the parts your disagree with and are assuming stupid crap

Grow up, are you 12? That prison comment about bubba is just childish. Not much about this screams anti consumer. You can try claiming the used game up to the publisher thing as such, but take a look at aall of the companies that are shutting down,jackass. These games arent free to make smart one

Because Octo core CPUs are practically non existant?

Don't be a douche, I know several ppeople with aspergers and cchances are they are smarter then yout in many ways, they certainly can understand concepts you described. But the grudge was just horrible aanyways so you did prove the other guys point

This dude is a punk. Unless he has proof of who reported him to the authorities, hes talking up his ass. This has nothing to do with capitalism. This has to do with him hacking his way into companies private databases and private work. It isn't there for him to hack, and just because he says he's not going to do

You type like a 12 year old girl. And no duh language evolves. Doesn't meanyou should type like a idiot

Thanks. I do enjoy SW:ToR though. the others not so much

a NEW console, for a NEW generation, with NEW changes.