
Fascinating. I know that in some states, officers are required to use their regular running & head lights any time they’re using the radar (anti-entrapment laws), but near me, we’re not blessed with such; they literally hide behind bushes and blind corners. I can’t imagine if they were required to run the emergency

Why is he driving with his lights on? Was this the world’s least exciting police chase, or do they just leave them on all all the time in Japan?

A couple observations:

Here’s a puzzler: My Aerostar has a bizarre damage in about the ‘camry dent’ area, from before I purchased it. I’d love to know how it happened. It looks like a large mammal tried to claw its way into the back of the van; the ‘claw marks’ are 8" or so long, and ripped the whole corner of the bodywork open, leaving a

I can see people saying “Well, that’s 2 hours of my life I’ll never get back.”

She’s too skinny to be very appealing to a cannibal. Seems logical to me.

I just checked Delta’s prices, and they’re still absurdly expensive to any destination I would be interested in. Average fare was $600. Highest was $1100. Cheapest fare was $360/person round trip, on their 5-week calendar thing. That’s $1k for travel to go someplace I could drive to in 20 hours, and that would cost

Or, better yet, have a frosted cover that you can flip down. Then it looks the same as your plate, it’s not a false-ID felony, and flipping it up isn’t even all that noticeable. And, depending on where you are, it might not even be illegal.

Looks something like an antenna coil to me.

Lame puns and odd branding aside, I kinda like the green trim on red. It’s different in a good way.


Unpopular opinion here, but my hat’s off to this guy. Not for the air horn nonsense, that’s just a jerk move. For his mugshot.

Considering the longevity of these vehicles, there’s definitely evidence of good engineering. The engineering issues I had pertained to the heat (or lack thereof), and the design of the brake system. My master cylinder went out, and I had to replace a great deal of the system, because I couldn’t get the lines to bleed

I used to think I understood; in fact I bought a Baja. After buying it, I stopped understanding the love. Those cars are a pain, very porly designed, and not really that fun to drive. I love small eccentric cars, but the Beetle is just kind of annoying to own.

This is actually really crazy. It matched me with exactly the vehicle I’m looking for (well, I’m looking for 3 different cars [Protege5, Mazda6 Wagon], but this is the most common of them, so I expect it’s what I’ll get.) And I didn’t even specify a body style.

I have a little different perspective on this than most; I live off-grid, in a 400-ish sq. ft. house I built using methods popular in Africa. Most of our electricity comes from solar panels I’ve purchased off Amazon, for about $1.20/watt. I’ve purchased some batteries off Amazon, and some at local retailers. The rest

Thank you.

Eh, working with a snake bite is a nuisance, but consider positions like being a beekeeper. I had as many as 3 stings in one day (always on my hands), and got bit by Black Widows, too. Swollen hands are no biggie.

This. As an adult, I’ve never lived in a house larger than 600 sq ft. The house we just built is only 432 sq ft, and it’s plenty for us (3 people and 3 pets.) Yeah, I’d love to have a garage, but a barn/workshop is coming next. Maybe someday we’ll build a garage, but I doubt it.