
With an adequate air compressor, I would think it shouldn’t be too hard to remotely control this electronically, with electric motors controlling valves to replicate the puppeteer’s actions.

As someone who grew up with an ‘87, I’ve gotta say, I hope the new ones are better.

When I saw the headline, I thought it was a synonym for ‘enforcers.’ Then again, I thought it was clickbait, and that they were gonna tell me... but nope, when Jalopnik asks a question in the headline, they are actually asking the question (which rocks, btw.)

Dude, that’s seriously impressive. I’ve always kinda disregarded older Buicks as cheap junk, but that’s some serious street cred.

yeah, but when my Aerostar gets 22mpg on the highway, and my ‘scort wagon gets 36, it’s pretty hard to justify DD’ing something that only get 18. Especially when the Aerostar has more HP and twice the towing capacity.

I’ve always thought the same thing. What I did instead was to leave the winch on a small plate it came with. The plate had a hole you could slip over hitch ball on the back of the car, or connect to the front with a strap. Much more useful.

Man, I miss my Wagoneer. Mine was nearly identical to that one, bought it with 73k miles on the odo. Drove the poor thing to death, and boy, it was the best off-roader I’ve ever driven. If it weren’t for the 17mpg highway coupled with a sub-200HP engine, I’d probably use one for my DD.

I’ll bet he’s a Canadian. Irritated me to no end when I saw a movie while in Canada, and had to sit through an ad for the ‘M@z-duh Mee-@-uh.’ My wife (a Canuk transplant) still pronounces noodles ‘Past-uh.’

Okay, gonna be completly honest. If it weren’t for the whole “They’re not gonna make any more!” frenzy, I wouldn’t have been aware that they made any to begin with. I love wagons (I DD a brown 3-pedal wagon, for crying out loud), and I think Jags are beautiful, but I had no idea they even made a wagon. It’s hard to

For being the only car on the island, you’d think they’d maintain it a little better. That front tire’s a little low on air pressure.

I’m guessing you’re used to the new 4-stroke sleds. The old 2-strokes all sounded pretty much just like this.

That was my first thought when I watched that video. Love those growly high-revving 2-strokes of old. New 4-stroke sleds just sound like street bikes.

Perhaps this is a feature reserved for the the Model Y. After all, what else will really change? The ride height and motor configuration will be the same, and aside from a hatch, what else really differentiates a crossover from a sedan? Especially when we’ve already seen that Tesla’s idea of an ‘SUV’ has the roofline

The rockers would need to be a more gradual curve than the chair, or else you’re gonna rock back onto your head. Also, her hips are gonna be soooo sore when she stands up. Cross-legged is one thing, but cross-legged laying down is quite another.

Jumper (2008) deserved more attention.

2: Action business. Because they’re Sensible Men of Action. So they do Action business.

Having the surname of ‘Test’ is far worse. It’ll get you deleted from things randomly during database cleanup, and will get your entry ignored on stuff. Sloppy programers will even filter ‘test’ users from database results, so even though you bought your ticket, the airline won’t expect you, because you were filtered

For once, I’ve gotta disagree with ya on something. Sure, the chrome strips look bad (although on the GMC, they make the chrome wheels look less off-balance), but the Cherokee? That thing’s beautiful. That’s exactly what I’ve always wanted to do to a car; dark grey with black trim and a black racing stripe. No idea

Ah, yes. I can picture it now.

Dude, that’s so relatable for me. I’ve got 5 vehicles; ‘my car’, a ‘98 Escort wagon, my ‘toy’, a ‘95 Sidekick with a ragtop, my wife’s ‘03 Escape, a ‘96 Aerostar work van, and a ‘99 F-250. The truck lives at my parents house, as they need it to haul hay bales way more often than I need a truck, my wife’s car makes a