
I'm actually self employed now, and making more money than I've ever made before in my life (about twice as much as I've ever made before, to be honest), but working as a dentist's assistant, working as a middle manager in the retail industry, and working as a peon in the restaurant world has always left me with less

Maybe flights are cheaper on the other side of the pond, but I can't imagine being able to afford an international flight, and I'm gainfully employed. How did someone who is unemployed, disabled, and too young for retirement cheques afford it? There's got to be more to this story than they're telling.

Is it giving the duckface?

Well, see, it's like this: As a libertarian, we all wear wool suits when we think we're going to die. That's how you can tell if the guy sitting next to you on an airplane is a libertarian. After all, you wouldn't want to be a 'died-in-the-cotton' republican, or a 'died-in-the-polyester' democrat.

I'm not sure what the actual coverage is (probably not much), but it's whatever is legally required in Wyoming. They do also include free emergency towing (I think it's a one-time thing, but I did need it once, so it was nice to have.)

Wow, that's nuts. I'm surprised the state and insurance companies are that intertwined. Although I guess it makes sense, since I makes both of them money.

You might want to check on that. I have "uninsured motorist coverage" on my policy, and when this happened I called them and asked them to cover my car. They explained to me that "uninsured motorist" means that my car is insured even if the driver isn't me (the motorist who is insured on the car). If I didn't have

I'm a died-in-the-wool libertarian, but in spite of that, I wish all states had that. It'd make things a lot safer for those of us who obey the law.

Probably, but for someone driving without insurance on a suspended license, is threat of a felony really that much of a deterrent? I'm not disagreeing with you, just stating that sadly, the people who choose to drive without insurance probably aren't concerned about committing one more crime.

I'm pretty sure side marker lights are some of the least-thought about components of a car. It's amazing the lengths car companies will go not to give a stupId about them. Nobody is "into" side markers. Except me. So let's have a quiz about one of them!

Here in Wyoming, they make you show a piece of paper that states you have insurance. They don't look it up or anything It's not a special 'do-not-copy' paper, or anything like that; in fact, it's usually something the insurance company emails to you to print out yourself. It's super super easy to fake.

Eh, I guess it doesn't really matter. Reading your articles is kind of like watching TG:UK; 90% of the cars they talk about mean nothing to me, but they're still waaaaaay more fun to watch than TG:US. In fact, maybe it's the disconnect that makes it more interesting or entertaining. Dunno.

1) I agree wholeheartedly.

This. Exactly. Except I always loved to drive — my extended family are all 4-wheelers, and I think it rubbed off on me at an early age. But I never got into car culture before discovering Jalopnik. I also never really enjoyed working on cars until Jalopnik. And I definitely knew nothing about them, beyond the

Interesting. That's definitely a plausible possibility. Here in Wyoming, everything has a different name. We moved here when I was 9, and I remember my parents having to re-learn a lot of things — for instance, here, ATVs are called '4-wheelers', but in Seattle they were called 'Quads'. Nobody here knows what a

Doug, it's just not fair. You always write articles about things I have absolutely no interest in (heck, I'll never be able to afford a European trip, why should I care about their beige sedans?) In spite of that, I'm forced to read it, because yours are always the articles that make me literally laugh out loud. So

Here in the states, they're commonly called trackhoes, and (based on what I've seen) everyone else in the world calls them an excavator. In pretty much everywhere, a backhoe has the hoe ....on the back. I wonder why Tata classes them as backhoes if it's on the front. Maybe a translation error? Or maybe they just

I agree that I'd love to see a side-by-side with a few other tiny cars. Everyone knows that tinier cars fare poorly comparied with larger cars; for Americans, the Smart Fortwo is the only car in its class that's widely available, so we always reduce it to "Smart=dangerous", but I'd love to see a comparison with

Is there any such thing as a "minor head-on collision"?

That's what happens when you let your designers drink on the job.