
To be honest, I haven't seen them. They seem kinda like the right amount of action/adventure, but I'm more of a scifi nerd. Although I will say that I've seen the 'face melt' scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark (thanks YouTube), and that was something I'm not eager to see again.

I don't think many folks here probably see eye-to-eye with me on this (and I'm fine with that), but I'm not a fan of a lot of the more 'adult' things in entertainment. I love scifi, action, explosions, deep make-you-think plots, etc, but I don't like filling my mind with things like cuss words or gore. Violence

This feels like a mashup of Farscape and Hitchhiker's Guide. Which I wholeheartedly approve of. Marvel is making all the movies I like these days. Now I just hope the DVD has standard closed captioning so I can use my TV Guardian with it*

Hmm. There's some deep stuff to ponder there.

But then it crossed with a Brown Recluse spider and a Barracuda, and the world imploded.

I've always thought that partmanteaus should be every other letter: cwyooltfe. Really rolls off the tounge, and no way anyone could misunderstand what we're talking about.

Development of the Mighty Mite began just after the end of WWII (the Big One) with the intent of providing the U.S. Marines with an ultra-light and compact jeep that could be carried by helicopters to where the shootin' was going on.


If you're talking about using it on a spare machine, just use Tails. It's an operating system that you burn to a disk or flash drive, and when you start the computer up, it never even boots to XP, thus negating any potential risk. Its hardware demands are pretty light.

I second this.

ohhhh man I feel so bad for that car. It looks to me like they lost a tie rod, which is totally not a problem, as long as you tow the car forwards, and don't need to turn (it's happened to me a couple times.) Why on earth are they towing it backwards?!

When I was growing up, we always called them 'cookies'. No idea why, and I later learned that we were the only ones who did. I live in Wyoming, but I think my parents called them that when they lived in Seattle before we moved here.

Hey, at least it's not quite so round anymore.

The point that's close the the grille used to be at the bottom, opposite from the outside point; kind of like a human eye with a tear duct. In the new design style, the headlight is wider at the top than the bottom, looking like a person with their eyes half-closed. Kinda makes it look angry.

I've never heard of that vehicle before, but ohhhh man I wouldn't be able to take it seriously. That face.

Man, I want one of those so bad. I'm a big FSJ guy, but for the past 15-ish years, Jeep has totally betrayed what they used to stand for. The Niva seems like one of the last holdouts for the 'old way' of building a tough little 4x4. I'd love to take one to Utah.

I came here to say this. I think the Twizy was an electric concept, but the crossblade is pretty much exactly the definition of 'fun car', but of course everyone derided it, mostly because it was made by smart, I think. I still love it, though.

I just noticed that the grille/lights on a Lincoln look like a giant butterfly. Sorta makes it a li'l less aggressive.

Is that a dead goat at the :22 mark? =-\

Imagine being the one who has to load the luggage rack.