
We've got a couple ships here that I don't remember in any of the shows, yet we're missing quite a few notable ones; not just the alien ships (Ha'tak, Tel'tak, Hive ship, Puddle jumper, Destiny, etc), but also the X-301, F-302, and umm where's the Promethius? It's the most important Stargate ship after the Daedalus;

I love how he's just sitting there casually with his legs crossed. Probably had cruise control set and didn't see all the wildlife in the road.

I noticed that; it almost makes me think they planned this.

Wow, you can totally see that in the picture. That's nuts. Makes me want to try riding an old bike like that!

At least they didn't put the shifter on the same side as the clutch.

Definitely a Camry.

I live in Wyoming, so traffic is something I read about online, but I use cruise control every time I hit 45 or faster. Since getting a car with cruise control, I've gotten exactly 0 speeding tickets. Prior to that, I've gotten at least a dozen over the years, and every single one was in a speed trap where I was not

My uncle has one of those he got for $200. It has a dump bed. I used it to move with about a decade ago. I wonder if it even still runs these days lol.

Not necessarily. Speed cameras issue tickets to the car, not the driver.

To be fair, I'm pretty fond of mine.

Here's a '94 with just over 100k on the clock for $3800. I've seen a few locally that were in the high-$2000's. 1994 Camaro on Autotrader

From my experience, "easier to fly" and "inexpensive" are opposites. Spend a bit more and suddenly it will be much easier to fly.

How is it that nobody else has followed suit? I mean seriously, Marvel is the only group that contues to reel me in every single time. Why isn't anyone else making movies I'm actually interested in watching? You'd think that with the huge success Marvel has, others would be trying to coast on their formula.

This is what it looks like when you put a car in the microwave.

A lot of the smaller copiers (HP Officejets, etc) use a few gigs of soldered-on RAM instead of a disk. It's about the $600 mark where they start to switch to hard disks, and I'm not sure of the filesystem in most, but I know some (Lexmark; I'm a Lexmark printer repairman, among other things) use a proprietary

This. The trick is to never reply to anyone who uses the entire text of your ad title in their text message. I mean seriously, who texts someone and says "Hi I was wondering if you still have your 1993 GMC Suburban 4x4 needs work open to trades?" or the ones who say "Hi, is this the same as this bike?

Why not have the look [almost] of a J-truck in a production vehicle? That's the J-12 concept from last year. Granted, the wider grille was way better looking.

KHOU reports that the two men who took the Audi last week pulled up to the dealership in a white Range Rover (which may or may not have been stolen, as well). They looked through the whole lot of cars, including looking at an R8, before picking the RS5 to take a test drive in. When they came back, they sat with a

That's the car from like every cartoon ever.

That's like a '90s interpretation of a '50s 'futuristic' vehicle.