
Or an early 80's Corolla.

Amen, brother. The Pontiac Aztek was a mild attempt at this crazy look, but in order to succeed at something like this, they need to go all the way. Kinda like old movies; the true classics are good, and the really campy B-movies are good, but the ones that were inbetween have been forgotten.


Which is exactly why it'll never happen; the taxi (and taxi licensing) money is too big; it'll be a major milestone if GM can break into their monopoly.

This is the car's alternative to A/C. It ends at the vents on the dash.

It may be on backwards, but I can certify that the shift knob is authentically from Germany. My '71 Beetle had one just like it.

Interesting; you may have had an aftermarket mash-up; the two 2nd-gen I've been around had rear suspension with a solid axle, and every one I've seen had white plastic. It could also be that they had aftermarket add-ons, but they looked pretty stock and were owned by different people. I used to own a 1st-gen

I hate to break it to ya, but that's a Pilot, not an Odyssey. The 1st gen Odyssey was all yellow, with just a roll bar (not a cage), and no rear suspension. The second was red with white fenders and a basic cage (no net or light), and full suspension with a solid rear axle. The next generation had a name change (I

This. If you threaten my wife or daughter, you're meeting my .38. And yes, it is loaded and within arms reach in my car at all times. Before you ask; yes, I have a concealed carry license. This, imho, is exactly the case to use it. This guy was threatened, he tried to run, they chased him down, he was cornered,

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The '95 Odyssey was very different. The 1985 model was only a 1-seater.

I am diggin' that retro dash.

This is what Dom needs to drive in the next Fast & Furious.

I like the inspired-by-VW nose

We need to pass a law requiring all slingshots to have at least 2 oz. of metal in them, so people can't sneak them pass metal detectors at the baloon-port

And you don't wear out a ton of tires like you do while drifting, so it's better for the environment. So would that make it the green option?

best. birthday. ever.

You should use that as your logo, it looks pretty cool.

Sadly, I only have keys I've hated: The recent VW flip-out keys that just beg to get broken, the transponder keys from all cars made in the last 13-ish years that cost $80 to get replicated, the keys from the oldschool VW beetles that are so wirey that they inevitably get bent in your pocket (seriously mine bent twice

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Machines mimicking nature: it's flapping its wings to slow down.

Cheyenne Wyoming's interchange between I-25 and I-80 is the worst for this. From above, it looks like a cloverleaf; the 'shared lane' is literally as long as the width of the highway it's crossing. The worst part about it is that the immediate sharp turn means you have to slow down before you reach the shared lane,