
Soooo beautiful. Why can't automakers make cars with retro dashes? The Challenger, Camaro, PT Cruiser & HHR (and others I can't think of at the moment) are supposed to be retro, but they're never retro on the inside. I want a new car with a spread out speedo, or a dash cluster that's long & low like this.

It may just be me, but this is an unfortunate design. I hope whatever that gauge is for is unimportant/can be read based solely on the bottom 1/4 of the glass.

Is it just me, or do that logo & badge give off a 'counterfeit mazda' vibe?

I just hope, for his sake, that it's not a sucky car. It'd hate it if the Geo Metro had been named after me. I'd be like "Hi, I'm Geo Metro, no relation."

This. If only it were made by just about *anyone* else (I hate working on German cars — my parents always drive VW's, I always try to drive Japanese cars. Mine are so much easier to work on.)

I had one of those, too. '93. It was fun to drive and easy to work on, but extremely unreliable. I'm never getting another older honda again... I've traded up to a Ford [Mazda] Escort wagon. Soooooo much less time spent under the hood.

The answer they got back is a car segment that doesn't exist yet. And worse, it isn't even clear yet how engineers might make it exist. The Gen Y crowd wants a car that is sporty on the outside, but roomy on the inside, the team says. But more specifically, they want to be able to drive around with their friends —

I don't get 'limited' vs. 'sport'; for some models, 'sport' is the better model and 'limited' is the base, and for others it's other way around. Why don't they at least come to a consensus on what those words mean?

The name isn't the only thing horrible about that car.

I'm married to an Albertan, and her whole family has kind of a Minnesota-style accent, but even she couldn't tell a single word from the interviews in the above video clip. Newfie's are nuts. I have a much easier time understanding Welsh, Irish, or even Kiwi accents.

I'm pretty sure those are just reflections. Check the second picture.

That is stinkin' hilarious.

aww c'mon, no love for the Ford Escort? Mine is a great car, 200k miles and doesn't leak a drop of oil, still gets the mid-30's around town, while hauling all my tools (I'm a PC network & TV repairman; I carry a 13' and 17' ladder and 6 large tool bags), the paint is still good; no peeling or fading even though it's

IMO, these are still in good shape because the only people who bought them were old people who didn't realize how ugly they were. The fact they're still in great shape is simply because old people don't drive that hard, and obey whatever the dealer tells them.

Boy do I miss convertible trucks.

You can tell it's fast, because the speedo goes all the way up to the white-knuckled speed of 85. I've even heard it can go that fast, unlike these modern cars with governors at 110 and speedos that go up to 200.

I'm a diehard Miata guy, but in all honesty, it is a little bit of a guilty pleasure. It's a fact that every heterosexual male who drives one is mocked by all other males (including the homosexual ones in my personal experience). If I'm taking a girl on a date, it's the perfect car for it (seriously girls love

This. Or the Chevy SSR, which is essentially the same thing. I think they're kinda hot, and I love convertibles, but everyone else would hate me for it.

like Spyders, you say?

huh. The presence of inSSIDer on your computer makes me think you're a techie, but then you go and admit to having Zynga on there.... color me confused.