
Pardon my nerdiness, but is that Vir Cotto?

huh. The presence of inSSIDer on your computer makes me think you're a techie, but then you go and admit to having Zynga on there.... color me confused.

Somebody please tell me this guy had his crowbar privileges revoked. And then got a flat tire.

Of course, that wouldn't be any kind of safe cryptography, but it would be easy to decipher on an computer; just load the font. With truly encrypted text, you need a decryption application and key.

If you wanted a typeface that would be easy for humans to read, but more difficult for a computer, create one that has the letters wrong; for instance, the letter 'a' looks like an 'r', the letter 'b' looks like a 'u', etc. It would be murder to try to type on a keyboard, but with a matching in-screen keyboard (for

This is how an ad should be done. It gives you a list of reasons why they believe you should choose their product over the competition in a funny and memorable way. Much better advertising than a lot of the drivel out there (think: Droid Bionic. Or Droid anything, really. It took me a few times before I realized

That was the first thing I noticed, too. That must mean something about us... and I think I'd rather not know what.

One of the biggest questions facing the nation with regard to aging boomers is: Where are they going to live? The options amount to a tangle of euphemisms and politically correct titles: independent living, nursing homes, aging-in-place, naturally occurring retirement communities (NORCs), retirement village,

I think he messed up... 10 and 11 have the wrong audio (it doesn't match the text on screen)

well shucks, me too.

Now playing

Ummm.... that's called 'ska'. It's like rock, but with trumpets, and usually includes a rapper.

Now playing

for those who want a video that isn't blocked by copy police.

I hate to break it to you, but a cat5 cable can transmit gigabit ethernet just fine. The difference is whether or not it can be 'certified' for a particular speed. HDMI cables are all certified to handle the bandwidth needed for 1080p; if they can't handle it, they're not HDMI. So yes, all HDMI are equal. The only

Headline should read: World's oldest record pirated!

Headline should read: World's oldest record pirated!

"only $2,200"? I just spent half that much for a car, day before yesterday.

Weren't these in The Library?